تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


ناقشت هذه الأطروحة وجود الاطفال المنفصلين عن ذويهم وغير المصحوبين في قطاع غزة وأيضا استعرضت الأسباب التي أدت الى انفصالهم عن ذويهم. بالإضافة الى الأسباب التي أدت الى انفصالهم، واذا ما كان الإنفصال

This evaluation uses the findings of the seismic risk assessment (Jordan Royal Scientific Society) in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the costs of an earthquake impacting mainly Aqaba city and slightly in the southern area close to the Jordan‐Saudi border. It only considers an earthquake occurring under the Aqaba Fault System with a maximum magnitude of 7.5 Mw.

Jordan faces potential serious impacts on its natural ecosystems;; on its river basins and watersheds;; on biodiversity—then cascading to impacts on food productivity;; water resources;; human health;; public infrastructure;; and human settlements. Climate change will have serious implications on the country’s efforts to eradicate poverty and realize sustainable development for current and future generations— ultimately making climate change an issue of intergenerational equity. Climate change scenarios indicate that Jordan and the Middle East could suffer from reduced agricultural productivity and water availability among other negative impacts. At the same time;; a substantial potential for cost-effective reduction of GHG emissions exists in Jordan. The Policy will provide an overarching (umbrella/high level) guidance for the Government of Jordan to implement the major climate change objectives of national priority related to adaptation and mitigation of GHG emissions

This study is an analytical study of the legislations effective in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan related to disasters and disasters management. It provides an overview of the disasters;; their types and management as well as an analysis of effective legislation related to disaster management in Jordan. The report concludes that To achieve consistency and integration among all ministries and public and private institutions concerned with facing disasters in all stages;; and to achieve the optimal use of available capabilities and resources as well as preventing duplication and overlapping which waste energies and in order to achieve the aforementioned disaster management principles;; there should be a certain authority responsible for disaster management in all its stages.

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