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الصفحة الرئيسية


يحلل هذا التقرير بشكل حاسم التقدم الذي أحرزه في الميثاق الأردني، والذي تم بعد عامين من تنفيذه. كان الميثاق الأردني اتفاقاً بين الحكومة الأردنية والبنك الدولي والاتحاد الأوروبي (EU) استجابةً للضغط

تناقش هذه المقالة المساعدات الاقتصادية الأمريكية للأردن منذ عام 1952 ومخرجاتها التنموية، حيث شملت المئات من المشاريع المشتركة بين الأردن والولايات المتحدة لبناء البنية التحتية في الأردن، وتطوير

بحوث و تقارير

يقدم تقرير الصحة العالمي بحثاً عن موضوع التأمين الصحي للجميع، ويشدد على أهمية هذا البحث لإحراز التقدم بهذا الاتجاه، ويستخدم دراسات الحالات من حول العالم ليعرض فوائد الاستثمار المتنامي في الأبحاث

إن هذا التقرير المسحي/الاستقصائي من احد مكونات دراسة "التضمين المالي العالمي على اوسع نطاق". حيث استخدم لقياس كيف يقوم الناس بالتوفير – يشمل الفقراء، النساء، وسكان المناطق الريقية -، الإقتراض، وكيفية

بحوث و تقارير

Defining the goal as improved prosperity;; accountability and equality for a stable;; democratic Jordan;; the strategy report highlights a long-standing partnership between Jordan and the United States. Amidst a number of challenges;; Jordan continues to play a strategic ally in the region and therefore;; the report stresses the importance of assisting Jordan in carrying out its stated commitment to broad-based political and economic reforms. The three development objectives are 1. Broad-based;; inclusive economic development accelerated;; 2. Democratic accountability strengthened;; and 3. Essential services to the public improved;; with a special development objective of gender equality and female empowerment enhanced. According to the report;; the key theme of the strategy is complementing support for Jordanian-led structural reform with grassroots activities of more visible and more directly “felt” people-level impact. The development objectives find specific areas of focus that need the USAID investments and support.

Accommodating people's growing demands for their inclusion in society;; for respect of their ethnicity;; religion;; and language;; takes more than democracy and equitable growth. Also needed are multicultural policies that recognize differences;; champion diversity and promote cultural freedoms;; so that all people can choose to speak their language;; practice their religion;; and participate in shaping their culture—so that all people can choose to be who they are. In recent years the Human Development Report has argued strongly that this is as much a question of politics as economics—from protecting human rights to deepening democracy. Human development is first and foremost about allowing people to lead the kind of life they choose—and providing them with the tools and opportunities to make those choices. The 2004 Report builds on that analysis;; by carefully examining—and rejecting—claims that cultural differences necessarily lead to social;; economic and political conflict or that inherent cultural rights should supersede political and economic ones. Instead;; it provides a powerful argument for finding ways to “delight in our differences”;; as Archbishop Desmond Tutu has put it. It also offers some concrete ideas on what it means in practice to build and manage the politics of identity and culture in a manner consistent with the bedrock principles of human development.

بحوث و تقارير

This paper examines issues concerning the state's financial contribution to political parties. It argues that the weakness of parties' financial resources limits their ability to engage in political activities and elections. The purpose of this paper is thus to provide a number of options and recommendation to help decision makers form the state's system for financing political parties. It aims to provide suitable financial support for each political party;; encourage the development of political parties in Jordan;; raise the political efficiency of political parties;; develop their organizational structures;; and motivate parties to participate in political life at national and local levels. This paper analyzes the positives and negatives of four financing options and;; based on this analysis;; presents a suggested system to assist decision makers as they design the state's financing mechanism for political parties.

بحوث و تقارير

The assessment report is a final product of the Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices project (AMEG);; which is designed to support USAID missions in developing effective and efficient economic growth programs that address technical and strategic challenges. The report provides an introduction to Jordan's macroeconomic performance and structure and examines the field assessment's key lines of inquiry such as fiscal environment;; taxation;; customs and trade facilitation;; the energy sector;; policy analysis and political economic environment. It identifies the structure and performance of each inquiry and adds policy;; administrative;; and institutional environment;; and its challenges and opportunities.The report's concluding section outlines key challenges and opportunities;; and offers recommendations. Some of the findings include Jordan's lack of robust forum for soliciting and integrating input on economic policy issues from key stakeholders or the wider public and lack of institutional capacity to develop macroeconomic models. The report suggests facilitating national dialogue and consensus building on economic policy issues and building capacity to integrate stakeholder input.

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