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Information and Research - King Hussein Foundation
Information and Research - King Hussein Foundation
4 أبريل، 2023

World Drug Report 2004


An estimated 3 % of the global population,or 185 million people consume illicit drugs annually. Among this population are people from almost every country on earth and from every walk of life. Countless more people,around the world,are involved in the production and trafficking of illicit drugs,and still more are touched by the devastating social and economic costs of this trade. These people live in both developed and developing countries,are rich and poor,healthy and unhealthy,citizens and refugees. Illicit drugs are a truly global phenomenon. Partially a consequence of this pervasiveness,and partially a consequence of the illicit and hidden nature of this trade,reliable analysis and statistics on the production,trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs are rare. In cooperation with Member States,the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has endeavoured to fill the gaps. In this first edition of the new two volume World Drug Report,UNODC presents more quantitative data than ever before in an effort to increase the amount of factual evidence available in a field which is so notoriously difficult to quantify. This year,the analysis of trends,some going back ten years or more,is presented in Volume 1. Detailed statistics are presented in Volume 2. Taken together these volumes will provide the most complete picture yet on today's illicit drug situation.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
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