Youth economic security,skills and empowerment Learning from positive outliers among youth affected by forced displacement in Jordan

The report is part of the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) project,a nine-year (215-224) longitudinal mixed research and evaluation study following the lives of 2, adolescents in six low- and middle-income countries in Africa (Ethiopia and Rwanda),Asia (Bangladesh and Nepal),and the Middle East (Jordan and Lebanon).
The report captures the refugee aspirations and experiences in building independent and sustainable livelihoods. It shines a particular spotlight on positive examples of young people who have succeeded in order to tease out lessons on what the key ‘ingredients’ are for youth economic empowerment in Jordan.
The report concludes by emphasizing the importance of investments in social protection for basic and higher education for refugees and vulnerable Jordanians (e.g. scholarships,cash transfers,transportation vouchers).