تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


The purpose of this paper is to examine the issues that are limiting the democratic perception of Jordanian university students' political engagement in university life. The paper defines this issue as being directly linked with both students' freedom and representative bodies. It offers a description of the historical and legal backgrounds associated with students' political participation in Jordanian universities;; and examines the core issues associated with students' political participation. This paper also categorizes the various problems that limit students' participation;; including intervention of security offices in student affairs;; the weakness of student clubs;; and the election mechanisms of student elections. This paper also discusses the absence of a student body that unifies various Jordanian universities;; disciplinary regulations;; university violence;; and the inability to students to express their political thoughts within the university.

In 2006;; the Sultanate of Oman undertook a project that aimed to support the implementation of the country’s vision towards conservation of biological diversity in the Sultanate of Oman. This report serves as an “evaluation and assessment of capacity building in the field of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity.” The report aims to describe the state of traditional knowledge on biodiversity in Oman;; assess capacity-building requirements in relation to traditional knowledge;; and provide a set of recommendations with a strategy for the protection and maintenance of traditional knowledge on biodiversity conservation. Various topics related to biodiversity are covered;; including irrigation;; tree cultivation;; crop improvement;; livestock management;; and soil and water conservation. The methodology used depends on three sources of information;; including a review of secondary data;; in-depth interviews;; and a participatory workshop.

استند هذا التقرير على بيانات مسح العمالة والبطالة الذي تنفذه دائرة الاحصاءات العامة في كل عام على أربع جولات. وصمت عينة المسح بأسلوب المعاينة الطبقية العنقودية من مرحلتين;; وبلغ حجم العينة الكلي للجولات الاربع لهذا المسح 52544 أسرة. ويهدف هذا المسح إلى التعرف على الخصائص المختلفة للمشتغلين والمتعطلين. وتبرز أهمية هذا التقرير من مجموعة المؤشرات التي يوفرها على شكل نسب مئوية وأرقام وجداول تفصيلية واشكال بيانية لأبراز الخصائص المختلفة للمتعطلين الأردنيين كالعمر والجنس والمستوى التعليمي والمهنة والحالة العملية ومدة التعطل.

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