تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


يهدف هذا التقرير إلى توضيح مواد في القنون السوداني تعد مواداً تمييزيةً بخصوص حوادث الاغتصاب والعنف الجنسي، وتحديداً مواد قانون الجرائم السوداني لعام 1991 (القسم 149) حيث تؤدي إلى إعادة ارتكاب الجرم

بحوث و تقارير

Since Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994;; there has been growing tension between the Jordanian government and the independent press;; particularly the kingdom's small-circulation weekly newspapers. Journalists and editors have been arrested;; detained and prosecuted for violations of both the penal code and provisions of the press and publications law of 1993. By the count of one Jordanian weekly newspaper;; since the law went into effect sixty-two cases have been brought against journalists and editors;; the overwhelming majority of them with weekly newspapers. Faced with public opposition to normalization of relations with Israel;; frustration about the implementation of the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Authority;; and popular discontent with the state of the economy and high rates of unemployment and underemployment;; Jordanian authorities have clearly signaled a growing discomfort with the exercise of freedom of expression by both individual critics and the press.

بحوث و تقارير

This annual report comes to diagnose the situation of human rights in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2010;; and to point out the positive or negative changes that have occurred during that period. The report comprises the outcome of the accumulated experiences of the Center in the field of protecting civil;; political;; economic;; social and cultural rights. It also comprises a qualitative addition represented in the devotion of an axis related to the assessment of how serious the Government is in taking appropriate legislative;; judicial and executive measures needed to implement the recommendations by the treaty committees. The main themes are: Civil and Political Rights;; Economic;; Social and Cultural Rights;; Women's Rights;; Child Rights;; Rights of Persons with Disability;; Rights of the Elderly. The report proposes legislations;; policies and measures that are believed to contribute to changing the current situation of Human Rights for the better;; especially in the light of the rapid developments taking place in the Arab region.

جاء هذا التقرير في 68 صفحة يوثق مزاعم قابلة للتصديق بالمعاملة السيئة;; التي عادة ما ترقى إلى التعذيب;; وتقدم بهذه المزاعم 66 سجيناً من بين 110 سجناء تمت مقابلتهم عشوائياً في عامي 2007 و2008;; ومن كل السجون السبعة التي تمت زيارتها من بين سجون الأردن العشرة. ويتضح من أدلة هيومن رايتس ووتش أن خمسة مدراء سجون شاركوا شخصياً في تعذيب المحتجزين.

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