تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


This report concerns the results of a survey on children’s literature and the promotion of reading in Syria. Emphasis is placed on a number of axes regarding children’s literature;; including policies and legislation;; programs and institutions;; libraries;; elementary schools and universities;; and general information regarding children’s books. Upon analysis of the state of children’s literature in Syria;; this report identifies certain trends regarding children's literature. It also identifies a number of problems facing the promotion of reading among children and makes a number of recommendations for the development and improvement of children’s literature.

This report concerns the results of a survey on children’s literature and the promotion of reading in Palestine as represented by the West Bank and the Gaze Sector. Emphasis is placed on a number of axes regarding children’s literature;; including policies and legislation;; programs and institutions;; libraries;; elementary schools and universities;; and the publishing and distribution of children’s books. Upon analysis of the state of children’s literature in Palestine;; this report identifies certain trends regarding child culture. It also identifies a number of problems facing the promotion of reading among children;; including financial constraints;; the quality and availability of libraries;; and the overarching challenges influenced by Israel occupation.

This report surveys children’s literature in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the promotion of child literacy. The survey examines the promotion of children’s literature through various axis;; including official state policies;; the role of the private sector;; and the role of institutions and national programs in promoting child literacy. The report also examines Egypt’s childhood education system;; the quality and distribution of public libraries throughout Egypt;; and the nature of the publishing industry. Finally;; this report makes a number of recommendations which aim to further promote literacy among children in Egypt.

يلخص هذا التقرير نتائج مسح السكان والصحة الأسرية في الأردن عام 2012 الذي أجرته دائرة الاحصاءات العامة. ولقد نفذ المسح ضمن برنامج المسوح الديموغرافية والصحية الذي تم تصميمه من أجل جمع البيانات عن الانجاب وتنظيم والأسرة وصحة الأمهات والأطفال. ولقد قدمت مؤسسة ICF الدولية المساعدة الفنية لهذا المشروع من خلال برنامج المسوح الديموغرافية والصحية.

بحوث و تقارير

The Arab World faces extraordinary challenges. In a region with the world's highest youth unemployment rate;; millions are frustrated by their job prospects – a frustration born of education that often leaves them unprepared for the marketplace. This report shows that the private sector can be a powerful force for positive change by complementing public efforts to ensure that the region's youth gain the right skills for the jobs being created.

جاءت هذه الدراسة لغايات التعرف إلى واقع إدماج النوع الاجتماعي في القطاعين العام والخاص. وتعد هذه الدراسة الاولى في مجال تحليل واقع ادماج النوع الاجتماعي في القطاع الخاص ممثل بالادارة الاقليمية لمجموعة شركات نقل في المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية بهدف تحليل أبعاد إدماج منظور النوع الاجتماعي من خلال محور الموارد البشرية و المحور المؤسسي. ولتحقيق ذلك جمعت الدراسة بين المنهجين الكمي والنوعي بحيث استخدم منهج المسح الاجتماعي لرصد البيانات الكمية وتحليلها من خلال اجراء مسح شامل لكافة العاملين في الادارة القليمية للمجموعة والبالغ عددهم 110 عامل وعاملة. وتم اعتماد الاستبانة كأداة لجمع المعلومات من المبحوثين بالاضافة الى البيانات الواردة في السجلات الرسمية للمؤسسة. أما فيما يتعلق بالتحليل على المستوى المؤسسي;; فقد تم استخدام المنهج النوعي من خلال إجراء المقابلات المعمقة مع عدد من العاملين والعاملات والذين تم اختيارهم باستخدام أسلوب العينة القصدية الطبقية .

The report is based on the outreach and communication survey of USAID and other donors' efforts. It is part of the Public Action Project;; which supports USAID's technical and policy investments in the Jordanian water and energy sectors and specific initiatives in the environment. The survey was designed to report on past;; current and planned donor efforts in relation to water;; energy and solid waste management – with the main focus on water sector. It is intended to help the PAP team to design communication strategies and specific behavior change campaigns by building on lessons learned from outreach efforts. The report is based on the survey consisting of 39 open-ended interviews with donor officials and managers of donor-funded projects;; and it includes analysis and recommendations on coordination with current and planned donor projects. The report recommends improvement in coordination through development of national communication strategies;; assistance in water and energy sectors to establish trust and credibility with their customers;; reduction and streamlining of programs targeting schoolchildren;; and setting up of priority areas for change through technical assessment in water and energy.

The report aims to determine public attitudes towards water and energy utilities and assess public perception of Disi water;; scheduled to begin serving Amman residents in 2012. It is based on an omnibus survey;; structured;; quantitative and in-person interviews with 1000 respondents representing adult males and females across the twelve governorates of Jordan. This research is part of the was conducted as part of the Public Action in Water;; Energy;; and Environmental Project to initiate and establish clear and identifiable behavioral changes amongst the Jordanian public and decision-makers;; to lead to increased efficiency in the use of water and energy;; and to improve solid waste handling practices. The findings of the survey show that while a majority of respondents could correctly identify their water provider;; nearly a quarter could not and more than half of the respondents believe they are paying water rates that are unreasonable for the quality of water service they receive. The report confirm that the customer experience with both water and electrical utility companies can be improved and increasing awareness of the sound quality of the Disi water would support the public perceptions to continue to shift in a positive direction.

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حجم الخط


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