تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


The report is based on a field assessment of 16 desert campsites in the city of Aqaba – Wadi Rum and Dieseh districts to evaluate these camps’ energy needs and their current energy situation. As part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; a public education and behavior change communication program developed to support USAID’s technical and policy investments in the Jordanian water and energy sectors;; the report assesses the current government policies and behaviors related to the issues of water;; solid waste and energy at campsites in Wadi Rum and Dieseh. The fieldwork of the report was designed to assess current campsites’ situation and energy profile;; evaluate how to reduce their energy needs;; and assess the possibility of installing renewable energy for electricity. The report concludes with several recommendations such as the enhancement of energy efficiency;; re-design of the electrical lighting systems;; re-wire of the electrical circuits;; and enforcement of laws and regulations.

The report studies the formal and informal waste streams in Jordan as well as the public behaviors and attitudes that influence them. The study gives a specific emphasis to discovering the “drivers” of these practices as well as barriers to change and aims to locate examples of model behavior that already exists in Jordan so that they can be encouraged and duplicated. It investigates and assesses the four areas – the general attitudes of the Jordanian population towards waste and waste disposal;; informal waste reclamation sector in Jordan;; stream of recyclable material and the formal sanitation and waste management system of Amman and Aqaba. This research was conducted as part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; which aims to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods. The study finds that there were high levels of awareness and concern about issues such as littering and recycling but it also concludes that the lack of concern amongst the broader public was cited as one principal reasons that people were not taking action. It calls for a quantitative research to confirm Jordanian attitudes on environmental issues.

The report explores the level of knowledge;; attitudes held and practices observed by young people towards environmental issues related to water and energy conservation and sold waste management. It maps out available resources;; programs and learning opportunities in the informal and non-formal education sectors;; through which positive environmental attitudes can be encouraged and promoted. The survey of the report assess the knowledge;; attitudes and practices of young people aged 7 -24;; educations;; staff and youth workers to identify strengths and areas for improvement through capacity building and explore existing resources;; programs to evaluate their effectiveness. This research was conducted as part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; which aims to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods. The study concludes that there is a need for more “green” programs that involve youth in a proactive way and therefore;; it recommends that programs targeting youth need to remain positive;; dynamic and in context. The recommendations of the report include development of environmental resources in the Arabic language;; the youth-led;; peer-led programs that involve participatory learning opportunities;; and social media tools to raise interests;; awareness and creation of environmental education task force.

The report aims to learn about young people's knowledge;; attitudes;; and behaviors with regards to water conservation;; energy conservation;; and waste management;; and it assess these against the learning objectives of the curriculum. It discovers that students' knowledge was sufficient and at times more sophisticated than that founded in the curriculum even though their attitudes and behaviors remain largely unchanged. The object of the survey pertains to the objectives of the Public Action for Water;; Energy;; and Environment Project;; which revolve around education for young people;; teachers and youth leaders to develop their knowledge and ethical values and attitudes. The survey focuses on assessing young people and educator's current awareness of water and energy resources and waste reduction and evaluating formal curriculum resources. The report points at the gap of translating young people's knowledge into genuine interest;; concern and action and proposes set of targeted actions including development of relevant resources and additional supplemental materials;; age-relevant projects to support environmental concepts in the national curriculum and assignment of environmental coordinator at all schools.

The report is based on the KAP household baseline survey;; which measures the current awareness of methods of water and energy conservations to determine how the Jordanians currently dispose of their household waste and how serious they believe the threat of global warming to be in Jordan. The household baseline survey on the use of water;; energy;; and the management of solid household waste has been designed based on the Knowledge;; Attitude and Practice (KAP) model;; and it aims to serve as a prelude to education and changing public behavior in the water and energy sectors in Jordan;; and to supply specific initiatives in the environment;; in particular in regard to the management of solid household waste. The research is based on a qualitative research;; a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The report concludes with the main findings that the most trusted sources of information on water conservation were the Ministry of Water and Irrigation;; and the Jordan Water Company. The survey finds that the respondents believe that the water shortage can be overcome with the water authorities' leadership including their engagement in grand projects.

This report is the result of the long;; tedious and creative work of many Jordanian experts who together have reflected the most comprehensive outlook about climate change in the Jordanian context and outlined Jordan’s efforts in addressing the phenomena and the impacts of climate change. Whether in greenhouse gas inventory;; adaptation and mitigation options the readers of this report will find answers about Jordan’s minor contribution in emissions and major vulnerability to climate change impacts

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