تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


في 11 مارس 22 ، أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية أن الفيروس التاجي الجديد الذي يسبب مرض كوبفيد -19 هو جائحة عالمية. تم تنسيق الاستجابة العالمية من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية ، التي قادت الاستعداد العالمي

يقدم تقرير الصحة العالمي بحثاً عن موضوع التأمين الصحي للجميع، ويشدد على أهمية هذا البحث لإحراز التقدم بهذا الاتجاه، ويستخدم دراسات الحالات من حول العالم ليعرض فوائد الاستثمار المتنامي في الأبحاث

In 2006;; the Sultanate of Oman undertook a project that aimed to support the implementation of the country’s vision towards conservation of biological diversity in the Sultanate of Oman. This report serves as an “evaluation and assessment of capacity building in the field of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity.” The report aims to describe the state of traditional knowledge on biodiversity in Oman;; assess capacity-building requirements in relation to traditional knowledge;; and provide a set of recommendations with a strategy for the protection and maintenance of traditional knowledge on biodiversity conservation. Various topics related to biodiversity are covered;; including irrigation;; tree cultivation;; crop improvement;; livestock management;; and soil and water conservation. The methodology used depends on three sources of information;; including a review of secondary data;; in-depth interviews;; and a participatory workshop.

The UNICEF Syria Crisis is a series of bi-weekly report that provides a summary of the humanitarian situation in Syria and development of the organization’s projects in the regions including Syria;; Lebanon;; Jordan;; Iraq;; Turkey and Egypt. The report contains an overview to the changing situations and humanitarian needs of the crisis. It focuses on the results and progress of the UNICEF projects in partnership with other local agencies in each country. These projects aim to ensure sustained access to safe water and sanitation;; provide psychosocial support;; vaccination and school supplies for children and support camps and host community schools for increased school enrollment. Relevant figures that summarize and evaluate the development of ongoing programmes can also be found in the report.

بحوث و تقارير

The report was published from the World Health Organization/ United Nations Children’s Fund (WHO/UNICEF)’s pilot project to test a method for the rapid assessment of the quality of drinking-water in six countries;; including Jordan;; China;; Ethiopia;; Nicaragua;; Nigeria and Tajikistan. This assessment report aims to develop a tool that would support WHO/UNICEF’s joint program in strengthening the monitoring efforts of the global access to safe drinking water. The analysis of the report is based on the water samples and statistical data that were collected from 1600 drinking water supply sites in 67 clusters. The report finds that drinking water quality is generally high in the distribution network of Jordan and national standards for bacteria complies with the WHO guideline values. It also identifies the sanitary risk factors for Jordanian water supplies including the presence of sewer lines;; old pipes and failure to properly maintain household storage tanks.

This joint interagency appeal to the international community seeks a total of US$ 84;;833;;647 million to provide support to national efforts aimed at improving access to health care for displaced Iraqis living in Syria;; Jordan and Egypt. The activities prioritized in the appeal are based on the Common Action Framework agreed upon during the Ministerial Consultation to Address the Urgent Needs of Displaced Iraqis;; convened by WHO in Damascus from 29-30 July 2007.

يهدف هذا التقرير إلى تقديم قراءة تقييمية لواقع الصحة والسلامة المهنية في بيئة الأعمال الأردنية;; تتضمن قراءة في التشريعات الأردنية الخاصة بالصحة والسلامة المهنية;; إلى جانب استعراض لأبرز المعايير الدولية ذات العلاقة;; إضافة إلى تقديم قراءة لمدى موائمة التشريعات الأردنية مع المعايير الدولية في هذا المجال;; كما اعتمد التقرير في منهجيته على تحليل البيانات الاحصائية المتاحة حول الصحة والسلامة المهنية واصابات العمل;; وكما تم اجراء مقابلات مع بعض رؤساء النقابات العمالية;; وذلك إلى جانب مراجعة المعلومات والأخبار الصحية التي تناولت هذا الموضوع. ويقدم التقرير مجموعة من التوصيات التي من شأنها تحسين شروط الصحة والسلامة المهنية للعاملين في الأردن.

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