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Final Report USAID / Jordan Gender Analysis And Assessment


USAID/Jordan is preparing to develop a new Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for 22–225. To inform the new CDCS and future programming,USAID/Jordan commissioned Management Systems International (MSI) to contract a team of gender experts (the MSI Gender Team) to conduct a gender analysis and a gender assessment. This report documents the analysis and assessment findings and recommendations.
This report includes a set of annexes with additional resources to support USAID/Jordan’s gender planning for the CDCS and gender integration in programming,including USAID toolkits on integrating GBV prevention and response in key development sectors. The annexes also provide key current gender xi | USAID/JORDAN GENDER ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT – FINAL REPORT USAID.GOV statistics,databases,and recommended indicators for reference in planning the integration of gender equality objectives in the new CDCS.
This report’s findings and recommendations provide multiple examples,strategies,and resources for the Mission to include in its 22–225 CDCS and to adapt into its structure,processes,and procedures to maintain the momentum and realize the outcomes envisioned in the USAID’s Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy.
The gender assessment found seven gender issues related to gender integration policy and practices: the impact of traditional gender roles and beliefs on program outcomes; the impact of inconsistent government capacity and buy-in on gender issues; IP staff’s varying technical capacity for gender integration; the lack of gender equality objectives in IP programs; the lack of integrated and cross-sector programming; the lack of robust gender indicators to measure IP program impact; and,the need to strengthen USAID oversight and accountability systems for effective gender integration.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
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