تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


يقدم هذا الفيديو شرحاً موجزاً حول المركز الوطني لحقوق الإنسان الذي باشر أعماله في الأردن في عام 2003. تتحدث رئيسة وحدة العدالة الجنائية في المركز نسرين زريقات عن المهام التي تشمل استقبال الشكاوى من


This report aims to review the status of children in Greater Amman and to conduct a capacity assessment of key institutions addressing children’s issues. Various issues are examined;; covering areas such as health;; education;; and socio-economic characteristics. This report also reviews the status of disadvantaged children;; including working children;; orphans;; refugees;; and children with disabilities;; in order to identify vulnerabilities and risk factors specific to them. Finally;; this report assesses the capacity of selected institutions addressing children’s issues in Greater Amman and proposes phased capacity building programs based on the findings of the assessment.

The Millenium Development Goals Report has been prepared through the active participation of the Jordanian Government and the UN Country Team. As scorekeeper of the MDGs;; UNDP supported the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in this joint endeavor. The objectives of this report are to create a baseline situation;; monitor progresses made to date;; and indicate what should be done in order to achieve the MDGs. The concluding section of fostering global cooperation gives an overview of national efforts to strengthen the basis and improve the environment for developing strong partnerships to achieve macroeconomic stability and other important national objectives.

Jordan’s second Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 shows the extent to which progress has been made towards achieving those targets and highlights the challenges that still confront the country to achieve these goals. The report seeks to identify the policies required for meeting the MDG targets by the year 2015;; at a time when the United Nations and the World’s governments are exerting a collective effort to review the progress achieved to date and identify the obstacles standing in the way of meeting the goals and targets by 2015.

The Government of Jordan adopted its first Poverty Alleviation Strategy in 2002 recognizing poverty as a key development problem requiring a comprehensive policy for improving the lives of the poor and socially excluded;; increasing their human capabilities;; providing them with economic opportunities and fully integrating them in the society. Considerable progress in poverty reduction has been achieved. The Government has put in place a series of social programs aimed at increasing employment opportunities;; curbing unemployment;; combating poverty and offering in-kind and cash assistance for the poor and marginalized groups within Jordanian society

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