تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


The UNICEF Syria Crisis is a series of bi-weekly report that provides a summary of the humanitarian situation in Syria and development of the organization’s projects in the regions including Syria;; Lebanon;; Jordan;; Iraq;; Turkey and Egypt. The report contains an overview to the changing situations and humanitarian needs of the crisis. It focuses on the results and progress of the UNICEF projects in partnership with other local agencies in each country. These projects aim to ensure sustained access to safe water and sanitation;; provide psychosocial support;; vaccination and school supplies for children and support camps and host community schools for increased school enrollment. Relevant figures that summarize and evaluate the development of ongoing programmes can also be found in the report.

بحوث و تقارير

This report is an assessment on the psychosocial needs of Iraqis displaced in Jordan and Lebanon. The assessment included mapping;; structured interviews with stakeholders and 200 families;; and direct observations through an innovative methodology based on Hertz’s migration paradigms with a non medical focus. The results highlighted the necessity for psychosocial interventions;; since most families were rebounding in their experience of displacement;; and the challenges posed to service providers by the first massive urban displacement crisis.

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