يهدف هذا التقرير إلى دراسة العلاقة بين الاقتصاد وجرائم الشرف في الأردن. ويتحقق هذا التقرير من طبيعة هذه الجرائم المتعلقة بمؤشرات الفقر إلى جانب تصورات المجتمع لشرف العائلة;; ودور المرأة;; والأخلاق. النتائج المستخلصة من هذه الدراسة تكشف عن أن ما يسمى جرائم الشرف يرتبط بالفقر:: مما يدل على أن الفقراء هم الأكثر عرضة لارتكاب مثل هذه الجرائم. واعتمدت الدراسة على البحث الكمي والنوعي من أجل الحصول على البيانات والمعلومات المتعلقة بجرائم قتل النساء بإسم الشرف وانحصرت عينة الدراسة على مقابلة 27 من الجناة المتواجدين في مختلف المراكز في المملكة.
The 2011 annual report provides a comprehensive summary of the ongoing projects by the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO). The programmes and projects include social protection initiatives for the National Aid Fund and Zakat Fund;; national perinatal and neonatal mortality study and development of nationwide computerized violence tracking system. . The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other organizations in relevant fields including the Ministries of Interior;; Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and other UN agencies (UNDP;; UNFPA;; UNWOMEN;; UNHCR and WHO). The report specifies the organization’s methodology in collecting data and evidence and monitoring mechanisms to track and assess programme progress. In evaluating the development of ongoing projects;; the report summarizes future work plans and examines critical factors and constraints in each project.
The annual report provides an overview to the country situation in regards to children and women and summary of the humanitarian and developmental assistance of the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO) in 2010. The report includes Jordan’s progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in addition to the analysis of the organization’s projects. The projects focus on assisting Iraqi children in education and strengthening young child survival and development and adolescents’ participation and empowerment. The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other UN agencies;; local agencies and government ministries. Some highlights of the 2010 annual report include the Ma’An campaign to end violence in school;; the UNICEF’s partnership with the government in supporting Iraqi children in gaining access to public education and a joint programme to develop a tracking system to monitor family violence and abuse cases with other UN agencies and Jordan’s National Council for Family Affairs.