يلقي تقرير التنمية البشرية لعام 214 الذي جاء بعنوان "المضي في التقدم: بناء المنعة لدرء المخاطر" الضوء على الحاجة لترويج خيارات الناس وحماية إنجازات التنمية البشرية. ويعتبر التقرير أن الاستضعاف والتعرض
إن هذا التقرير المسحي/الاستقصائي، المقدم من قبل دائرة الاحصاءات العامة، من مكونات مشروع كبير لمنتدى البحوث الاقتصادية، حيث يقيس حجم واتجاه التغير في الإنصاف وعدم المساواة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط. وخاصة
The assessment report is a final product of the Asia and Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices project (AMEG);; which is designed to support USAID missions in developing effective and efficient economic growth programs that address technical and strategic challenges. The report provides an introduction to Jordan's macroeconomic performance and structure and examines the field assessment's key lines of inquiry such as fiscal environment;; taxation;; customs and trade facilitation;; the energy sector;; policy analysis and political economic environment. It identifies the structure and performance of each inquiry and adds policy;; administrative;; and institutional environment;; and its challenges and opportunities.The report's concluding section outlines key challenges and opportunities;; and offers recommendations. Some of the findings include Jordan's lack of robust forum for soliciting and integrating input on economic policy issues from key stakeholders or the wider public and lack of institutional capacity to develop macroeconomic models. The report suggests facilitating national dialogue and consensus building on economic policy issues and building capacity to integrate stakeholder input.
يوجز هذا التقرير أوضاع المرأة الأردنية من خلال جداول احصائية مصنفة حسب النوع الاجتماعي;; ويرصد بشكل مختصر أبرز المنجزات التي تم تحقيقها;; وكما يشير إلى الفجوات الواجب معالجتها.
The purpose of this desk review is to uncover the food security and nutrition information available on the three target countries;; to advise WFP on the absence of any relevant information that would prevent a comprehensive evaluation of refugee food security status;; and to provide guidance on areas for primary data collection during the March 2013 Joint Assessment Mission (JAM).
The purpose of this desk review is to uncover the food security and nutrition information available on the three target countries;; to advise WFP on the absence of any relevant information that would prevent a comprehensive evaluation of refugee food security status;; and to provide guidance on areas for primary data collection during the March 2013 Joint Assessment Mission (JAM).