تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية

feminist movements

This paper sheds light on women's reality and status internationally and in Arab societies in particular. In order to dismantle;; comprehend and explore this concept this paper tracks the history of women's reality;; the whereabouts of its inception as well as the range of its influence;; highlighting its significance and content. Additionally the paper explores its boundaries and the scientific and methodological issues that may arise from tackling the gender issue.

بحوث و تقارير

This study sheds light on opportunities available to women in the field of leadership and decision- making in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It explores the main challenges impeding women's advancement;; especially the debate over the role of the Provisional Election Law for 2010 in achieving the concepts of citizenship;; and equal opportunities for all male and female Jordanians. In order to answer the research questions;; the study analyzed historical and legal documents.

أدوات الوصول

حجم الخط


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