لقد تم تصميم هذا التقرير من أجل تقديم معلومات عن مستويات واتجاهات الخصوبة، وأفضليات الخصوبة والرضع ومعدل وفيات الأطفال، وتنظيم الأسرة. كما جمع مسح معلومات عن الرضاعة الطبيعية، والأم والرعاية الصحية
The report is a Jordan country profile of the Regional Water Governance Benchmarking Project (ReWaB) and the results assessment of the project. The ReWaB is a project that aims to establish a system of water governance capacity and performance benchmarking for Middle East and North Africa countries. The report resents the projects' approach to water governance benchmarking;; brief overview of the political;; economic;; and social situation in Jordan;; the country's water availability;; and it also outlines the main users and managers of Jordan's limited water resources and identifies relevant trans boundary issues. With a description of the main actors in Jordan's water governance and their influence on functional performance;; the report presents and discusses the main findings of the Policy and Legal Analysis and the expert-based assessment;; which gauged the functional effectiveness of the Jordanian water sector and application of good governance processes in water-related decision-making. The report concludes by highlighting Jordan's organizing and building capacity and strategic planning in policy documents. It also notes areas with potential challenges such as the broad function of allocating water and mechanisms for water trades and complimentary conflict mitigation.
The study aims to evaluate the concepts of water;; energy and solid waste that exists in the curriculum and the manner in which they are tackled by mapping the current textbooks based the three themes of the study – water;; energy and solid waste. The report is based on a comprehensive study of 104 school textbooks from grades 1 – 10 in fourteen subjects. The survey finds that the environmental education concepts were vastly covered in all subjects of he study in a total of 1777 concepts;; and most of them focused on scientific facts and information with repetitive energy concepts and lack of sequential flow. This research was conducted as part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; which aims to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods. Based on the finding that there is little space allocated to the synthesis and application of information and knowledge and therefore the concepts remain superficially tackled;; the report recommends that support material should be prepared for the different grade levels and training programs should be developed for the teachers as real agent of change and role models.
This report is the result of the long;; tedious and creative work of many Jordanian experts who together have reflected the most comprehensive outlook about climate change in the Jordanian context and outlined Jordan’s efforts in addressing the phenomena and the impacts of climate change. Whether in greenhouse gas inventory;; adaptation and mitigation options the readers of this report will find answers about Jordan’s minor contribution in emissions and major vulnerability to climate change impacts
This report examines the notion of social capital. The assessment has challenged some of the assumptions about the refugees served in Jordan;; as well as the understanding of the host community. With the strong support of senior management and the informed and enthusiastic engagement of the multi-functional team;; UNHCR Jordan is now identifying new ways to support refugees in strengthening their social capital.