تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


This 37-page report documents the killings and attempted murders of women by male family members who claim they are defending family "honor." The report also details the cases of women;; threatened with "honor" crimes;; who languish in prison for years while held in protective custody.

The report is based on the KAP household baseline survey;; which measures the current awareness of methods of water and energy conservations to determine how the Jordanians currently dispose of their household waste and how serious they believe the threat of global warming to be in Jordan. The household baseline survey on the use of water;; energy;; and the management of solid household waste has been designed based on the Knowledge;; Attitude and Practice (KAP) model;; and it aims to serve as a prelude to education and changing public behavior in the water and energy sectors in Jordan;; and to supply specific initiatives in the environment;; in particular in regard to the management of solid household waste. The research is based on a qualitative research;; a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The report concludes with the main findings that the most trusted sources of information on water conservation were the Ministry of Water and Irrigation;; and the Jordan Water Company. The survey finds that the respondents believe that the water shortage can be overcome with the water authorities' leadership including their engagement in grand projects.

This report consists of eight chapters and aims to summarise the key concepts of human development. It introduces the Human Development Index;; provides an overview of Jordan's human development achievements;; examines the regional vulnerability context that has constrained Jordan's options in its pursuit of social and economic development;; provides a platform for the poor to express their views and perceptions in relation to their poverty status;; reviews the policies;; institutions and processes that affect the poor;; examines the government's attempts to stimulate entrepreneurialism;; promotes the application of a rights-based approach;; in which all citizen are equally empowered and have the capacity and the appropriate enabling environment that allows them to claim their entitlements according to law. Finally;; the study examines the various reform initiatives in progress and assesses the extent to which Jordan is committed to the process.

This study sheds light on opportunities available to women in the field of leadership and decision- making in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It explores the main challenges impeding women's advancement;; especially the debate over the role of the Provisional Election Law for 2010 in achieving the concepts of citizenship;; and equal opportunities for all male and female Jordanians. In order to answer the research questions;; the study analyzed historical and legal documents.

This study sheds light on the status of legislative drafting in the Jordanian legal system. It explores both the parties entrusted with the drafting of legislation as well as the entities that aid the drafting. In addition;; the paper looks into legal problems that arise during implementation and the effects on the quality of the legislative product. The study adoptes a descriptive approach to identify and answer the research questions.

بحوث و تقارير

Freedom of expression and press freedom are essential conditions for the conduct of free and fair elections. But in the pre-election period;; Jordanian authorities have used the laws in force;; and other means such as threats and intimidation by internal security forces and government officials;; to restrict free expression;; including press freedom;; in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR);; which Jordan has ratified. This report documents a series of actions taken by the government to tame the print media -- including the temporary closure of thirteen weekly newspapers in September -- and intimidate political critics into silence. Journalists and editors told Human Rights Watch that they have followed a stricter regime of self-censorship since the amendments to the press law were implemented in May 1997;; for fear of being subjected to heavy financial penalties mandated under the new law. In addition;; students;; writers;; and researchers have faced a variety of sanctions -- ranging from detention;; criminal prosecution;; and imprisonment to harassment;; job loss;; and blacklisting -- because they expressed views on political subjects that the government preferred remain off-limits. Such measures have created an atmosphere in which the right to free expression is perceived by many in Jordan as under siege.

Since Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994;; there has been growing tension between the Jordanian government and the independent press;; particularly the kingdom's small-circulation weekly newspapers. Journalists and editors have been arrested;; detained and prosecuted for violations of both the penal code and provisions of the press and publications law of 1993. By the count of one Jordanian weekly newspaper;; since the law went into effect sixty-two cases have been brought against journalists and editors;; the overwhelming majority of them with weekly newspapers. Faced with public opposition to normalization of relations with Israel;; frustration about the implementation of the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Authority;; and popular discontent with the state of the economy and high rates of unemployment and underemployment;; Jordanian authorities have clearly signaled a growing discomfort with the exercise of freedom of expression by both individual critics and the press.

بحوث و تقارير

The report is based on the findings of the survey that was designed to review NGO/CBO experience in communication/outreach and assess the capability of individual staff in the relevant NGOS and CBOs. The primary goal of the project is to institutionalize social marketing practices in NGOs and CBOs;; because organizations in the forefront of development depend on their ability to reach target groups and remove barriers to change. The research was conducted as part of the Public Action in Water;; Energy;; and Environmental Project to initiate and establish clear and identifiable behavioral changes amongst the Jordanian public and decision-makers;; to lead to increased efficiency in the use of water and energy;; and to improve solid waste handling practices. The main findings of the research identify sources of funds and grants of the NGOs;; their major activities and partnerships. The report also suggests training for successful fundraising;; social marketing and media campaigns for the NGOs and continued surveys and interviews of the NGOs.

أدوات الوصول

حجم الخط


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