تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


على الرغم من أنه كان هناك قدر كبير من الأبحاث والعمل حول تعزيز الطابع المحلي في القطاع الإنساني، لكن الأدوات الجاهزة للحقل والأدلة القابلة للتطبيق تعتبر قليلة للغاية. تتضح هذه الفجوات تمامًا فيما

بحوث و تقارير

ترمي ورقة السياسة هذه إلى دراسة وتحليل ميزانية وزارة الصناعة والتجارة والتشغيل من منظور جندري أثنـي. وهي جزء من مشروع بحث اوسـع يدرس «الأقلية والمـرأة العربية في الموازنـة الحكومية»، ويهدف الى زيـادة

يقدم هذا الفيديو شرحاً موجزاً حول المركز الوطني لحقوق الإنسان الذي باشر أعماله في الأردن في عام 2003. تتحدث رئيسة وحدة العدالة الجنائية في المركز نسرين زريقات عن المهام التي تشمل استقبال الشكاوى من


ما هو موقف القانون الدولي من اللجوء؟ ما الذي يحكم تعامل الدول مع اللاجئين؟ ما هي امتيازات اللاجئ السياسية بالمقارنة مع غيره من اللاجئين؟ يتحدث رئيس وحدة التوعية والتمكين في المركز الوطني لحقوق الإنسان


This paper examines issues concerning the state's financial contribution to political parties. It argues that the weakness of parties' financial resources limits their ability to engage in political activities and elections. The purpose of this paper is thus to provide a number of options and recommendation to help decision makers form the state's system for financing political parties. It aims to provide suitable financial support for each political party;; encourage the development of political parties in Jordan;; raise the political efficiency of political parties;; develop their organizational structures;; and motivate parties to participate in political life at national and local levels. This paper analyzes the positives and negatives of four financing options and;; based on this analysis;; presents a suggested system to assist decision makers as they design the state's financing mechanism for political parties.

بحوث و تقارير

With an executive summary on the Syrian refugees situation in Jordan;; the report combines the conclusions of detailed assessments in various areas including as child protection and gender-based violence;; education;; water sanitation and hygiene;; and nutrition and health. It provides a holistic picture of the situation faced by Syrian children and women in Jordan to draw out recommendations for necessary plans of action. Some key findings of the report include growing challenges for water;; sanitation and hygiene situation in Za’atari camp;; several threats to the nutritional status and health of Syrian girls;; boys and women and increasing violence against adolescents. Bringing together the voices of children and women at the camps;; the report examines the situations of Syrian refugees in host communities and refugee camps and finds key recommendations based on them.

The report is based on the outreach and communication survey of USAID and other donors' efforts. It is part of the Public Action Project;; which supports USAID's technical and policy investments in the Jordanian water and energy sectors and specific initiatives in the environment. The survey was designed to report on past;; current and planned donor efforts in relation to water;; energy and solid waste management – with the main focus on water sector. It is intended to help the PAP team to design communication strategies and specific behavior change campaigns by building on lessons learned from outreach efforts. The report is based on the survey consisting of 39 open-ended interviews with donor officials and managers of donor-funded projects;; and it includes analysis and recommendations on coordination with current and planned donor projects. The report recommends improvement in coordination through development of national communication strategies;; assistance in water and energy sectors to establish trust and credibility with their customers;; reduction and streamlining of programs targeting schoolchildren;; and setting up of priority areas for change through technical assessment in water and energy.

This report examines the notion of social capital. The assessment has challenged some of the assumptions about the refugees served in Jordan;; as well as the understanding of the host community. With the strong support of senior management and the informed and enthusiastic engagement of the multi-functional team;; UNHCR Jordan is now identifying new ways to support refugees in strengthening their social capital.

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حجم الخط


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