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The National Climate Change Policy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 2013-2020

The National Climate Change Policy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 2013-2020 PDF file screenshot

Jordan faces potential serious impacts on its natural ecosystems,on its river basins and watersheds,on biodiversity—then cascading to impacts on food productivity,water resources,human health,public infrastructure,and human settlements. Climate change will have serious implications on the country’s efforts to eradicate poverty and realize sustainable development for current and future generations— ultimately making climate change an issue of intergenerational equity. Climate change scenarios indicate that Jordan and the Middle East could suffer from reduced agricultural productivity and water availability among other negative impacts. At the same time,a substantial potential for cost-effective reduction of GHG emissions exists in Jordan. The Policy will provide an overarching (umbrella/high level) guidance for the Government of Jordan to implement the major climate change objectives of national priority related to adaptation and mitigation of GHG emissions

Global Environment Facility
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