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الصفحة الرئيسية


his 2005 Human Development Report takes stock of human development;; including progress towards the MDGs. Looking beyond statistics;; it highlights the human costs of missed targets and broken promises. Extreme inequality between countries and within countries is identified as one of the main barriers to human development—and as a powerful brake on accelerated progress towards the MDGs. The report suggests that the world's governments are faced with a choice. They can start a decade for development with the financial resources;; technology and capacity to end poverty or we could have a human development failure. “Business as usual” will not allow fulfilling the promises and the commitments made in 2000. The cost of this failure will be measured in human lives;; increased inequalities;; violations of human rights and threats to peace.

Throughout history water has confronted humanity with some of its greatest challenges. Water is a source of life and a natural resource that sustains our environments and supports livelihoods – but it is also a source of risk and vulnerability. In the early 21st Century;; prospects for human development are threatened by a deepening global water crisis. Debunking the myth that the crisis is the result of scarcity;; this report argues poverty;; power and inequality are at the heart of the problem.The 2006 Human Development Report continues to frame debates on some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity.

This first Jordanian National Human Development Report focuses on the condition and role of young people in the country;; arguing that the capacity of young Jordanians to contribute to national development and to compete in the global economy will determine whether Jordan remains a low middle income country or joins the ranks of the world's advanced economies. The Report looks at young people's lives and aspirations in the three key areas of education;; employment and social integration;; finding for example that 60% of all unemployed people are below that age of 25. The Report concludes that although Jordan has made significant advances in building people's capabilities;; there is room for improvement in aspects of gender-equality;; employment;; income and quality and relevance of education;; and ends with a substantial section on policy recommendations suggesting strategies for addressing this shortfall

Jordan is one of the 88+ countries which carried out national consultations worldwide. 10 countries from the Arab region were selected to run the post-2015 national consultations: Jordan;; Djibouti;; Egypt;; Morocco;; Sudan;; Algeria;; Yemen;; Iraq;; Saudi Arabia;; and Lebanon. The Jordanian national consultations have been a lead contributor to the first preliminary report of the UN Development Group (UNDG) issued in March 2013 and entitled “The Global Conversation Begins – Emerging Views For a New Development Agenda”;; and also to the UNDG Global report “A million voices: The World We Want”;; launched by the UN Secretary-General and UNDG Chair on 9 September 2013. The Global Report constitutes a milestone in the dialogues to shape the post-2015 development agenda. Its findings have contributed to the UN Secretary-General’s report to the 68th session of the General Assembly in September 2013.

This report is the result of the long;; tedious and creative work of many Jordanian experts who together have reflected the most comprehensive outlook about climate change in the Jordanian context and outlined Jordan’s efforts in addressing the phenomena and the impacts of climate change. Whether in greenhouse gas inventory;; adaptation and mitigation options the readers of this report will find answers about Jordan’s minor contribution in emissions and major vulnerability to climate change impacts

The report looked specifically at the areas of public mainly Ministry of Health (MoH) procurement of medications and medical devices and supplies. Accordingly a number of methodologies were being used to identify potential areas of integrity weakness in the public procurement processes. The existence of an effective functioning procurement system is dependent on the transparency of the processes;; and ability to hold individuals;; entities and personnel accountable for adhering to standard procedures;; norms;; laws;; by-laws and regulations in each of these functions. The approach to be taken in this assessment is to focus on the level of integrity rather than to deal purely with identifying corruption

This report presents a compelling argument as to why realising the full potential of Arab women is an indispensable prerequisite for development in all Arab states. It argues persuasively that the long hoped-for Arab “renaissance” cannot and will not be accomplished unless the obstacles preventing women from enjoying their human rights and contributing more fully to development are eliminated and replaced with greater access to the “tools” of development;; including education and healthcare. By placing Arab women firmly in the centre of social;; cultural;; economic and political development in the entire region;; the Report goes beyond arguing that half the population deserves half the participation. In fact;; it asserts that irrespective of the numbers;; Arab women have already accomplished great strides that are transforming the region’s political economy and social demography. While lauding these achievements and making a strong case for facilitating this strong current of positive social transformation;; the Report also analyses the remaining impediments;; and suggests concrete steps towards their elimination.

The fifth volume in the series of Arab Human Development Reports sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme and independently authored by intellectuals and scholars from Arab countries. The report argues that human security is a prerequisite for human development;; and that the widespread absence of human security in Arab countries undermines people's options.

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