تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تسليط الضوء على أهم الخصائص الديموغرافية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية للنساء اللواتي يرأسن أسرهن. وكانت ابرز المواضيع التي تطرقت اليها الدراسة: التركيب العمري;; الحالة الزواجية;; حجم الأسرة;; التعليم;; الالتحاق بقوة العمل والبطالة;; دخل وانفاق الأسرة. واعتمدت الدراسة على البرمجية الاحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية SPSS;; وبصورة اساسية الأدوات الاحصائية الوصفية المتمثلة في الجداول والأرقام المطلقة والنسب المئوية والاشكال البيانية الملائمة. حيث تم استخلاص البيانات المتوفرة في دائرة الاحصاءات العامة ومن ثم تم تحليلها وتفسيرها. وكما قدمت الدراسة عدة اجراءات ضرورية نحو تخفيض اعباء المرأة التي ترأس أسرة من خلال تنظيم برامج تأهيلية وتدريبية للمرأة والعمل على تبسيط الاجراءات القانونية التي تعني بالمرأة ربة الأسرة وتوعيتها بها;; والاستمرار باجراء الدراسات والمسوحات للتعرف على واقع هذه الفئة.
This paper aims at shedding light on the labor rights in Jordan;; particularly for those who are working in the informal sector;; through identifying the factors that impede them from enjoying such rights and;; thus;; coming up with the appropriate recommendations in this area.
The country profile component of the Manara project is a rigorous and exhaustive report on the status of the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It aims to be a resource for identifying gaps and challenges on the status of the implementation of the Convention;; to highlight the recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on specific matters;; and to identify commendable practices implemented by the State;; civil society and the international community in addressing these issues. The information was collected by exhaustive literature review and followed by field research involving a series of interviews with identified stakeholders;; government ministries and institutions;; local and INGOs;; academics;; unions and professional associations;; media;; religious authorities and United Nations agencies were contacted and interviewed. The structure of the study is based on the following themes: human rights;; children’s rights;; child labor and violence against children
This annual report comes to diagnose the situation of human rights in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2010;; and to point out the positive or negative changes that have occurred during that period. The report comprises the outcome of the accumulated experiences of the Center in the field of protecting civil;; political;; economic;; social and cultural rights. It also comprises a qualitative addition represented in the devotion of an axis related to the assessment of how serious the Government is in taking appropriate legislative;; judicial and executive measures needed to implement the recommendations by the treaty committees. The main themes are: Civil and Political Rights;; Economic;; Social and Cultural Rights;; Women's Rights;; Child Rights;; Rights of Persons with Disability;; Rights of the Elderly. The report proposes legislations;; policies and measures that are believed to contribute to changing the current situation of Human Rights for the better;; especially in the light of the rapid developments taking place in the Arab region.