تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية

political parties

This paper examines issues concerning the state's financial contribution to political parties. It argues that the weakness of parties' financial resources limits their ability to engage in political activities and elections. The purpose of this paper is thus to provide a number of options and recommendation to help decision makers form the state's system for financing political parties. It aims to provide suitable financial support for each political party;; encourage the development of political parties in Jordan;; raise the political efficiency of political parties;; develop their organizational structures;; and motivate parties to participate in political life at national and local levels. This paper analyzes the positives and negatives of four financing options and;; based on this analysis;; presents a suggested system to assist decision makers as they design the state's financing mechanism for political parties.

بحوث و تقارير

يوجز هذا التقرير أوضاع المرأة الأردنية من خلال جداول احصائية مصنفة حسب النوع الاجتماعي;; ويرصد بشكل مختصر أبرز المنجزات التي تم تحقيقها;; وكما يشير إلى الفجوات الواجب معالجتها.

This study sheds light on opportunities available to women in the field of leadership and decision- making in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It explores the main challenges impeding women's advancement;; especially the debate over the role of the Provisional Election Law for 2010 in achieving the concepts of citizenship;; and equal opportunities for all male and female Jordanians. In order to answer the research questions;; the study analyzed historical and legal documents.

This national report is designed to trace the progress of women in various fields;; monitoring achievements;; and highlighting gaps and failures;; as well as analyzing indicators;; recommending measures;; and measuring levels of achievements in the implementation of plans and strategies. The main themes were selected according to national priorities dictated by each stage: Legal Protection for Women's Right to Access Justice;; Participation;; the Economic Empowerment of Jordanian Women;; Equality;; Citizenship and Decision-Making in Public Life. The conclusions of this report confirm that a much smaller effort was exerted at the level of providing information;; data and the provision of services in the area of providing justice and facilitating ways of achieving it. The lack of knowledge about available services among women;; whether provided by civil society organizations or government institutions;; affects women's ability to access justice negatively. Regarding the economic participation the Policies and plans that targeted empowering women economically show that the result of these policies was weak and limited. Difficulty of women’s access to job opportunities in the private sector and inequitable pay between the sexes;; lack of supporting services to working women;; including childcare Facilities;; poor matching between education outputs and skills required in the labor market and the traditional social standards that contribute to directing females towards certain professions. The report proposed general recommendations and directions that include quick solutions to deal with the main highlighted challenges.

This annual report comes to diagnose the situation of human rights in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2010;; and to point out the positive or negative changes that have occurred during that period. The report comprises the outcome of the accumulated experiences of the Center in the field of protecting civil;; political;; economic;; social and cultural rights. It also comprises a qualitative addition represented in the devotion of an axis related to the assessment of how serious the Government is in taking appropriate legislative;; judicial and executive measures needed to implement the recommendations by the treaty committees. The main themes are: Civil and Political Rights;; Economic;; Social and Cultural Rights;; Women's Rights;; Child Rights;; Rights of Persons with Disability;; Rights of the Elderly. The report proposes legislations;; policies and measures that are believed to contribute to changing the current situation of Human Rights for the better;; especially in the light of the rapid developments taking place in the Arab region.

تهدف الدراسة الى التعرف على مشاركة المرأة في المجالس البلديه في الأردن. باستخدام المنهج النوعي;; ولتحقيق اهداف الدراسة تم سحب عينة قصدية من البلديات بلغت 11 بلدية;; تمت مقابلة 9 رؤساء بلدية و15 امرأة وعقد ٥ مجموعات بؤرية مكونة من عضوات المجالس البلدية ;; و7 مجموعات بؤرية مكونة من موظفي وموظفات المجالس البلدية. وخرجت الدراسه بنتائج أهمها أن المرأة تعتبر غير فاعلة في المجلس البلدي;; وذلك يعود الى عدة اسباب أهمها: تهميش رئيس واعضاء المجلس البلدي لهن;; وعدم معرفتهن بمهام عضو المجلس البلدي;;اضافة إلى التنافس العدائي بينهن. وكما قدمت الدراسة مجموعة من التوصيات موجهة الى الحكومة او منظمات المجتمع المدني والمنظمات الدوليه وذلك لتعظيم دور عضوات المجالس البلدية.

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