تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية

regional response plan

This report outlines the regional response plan to Syrian refugees. It gives an overview of the situation of Syrian refugees in Jordan;; the plans and strategies that have be put in place to accommodate them. The overarching priorities in 2013 remain the registration and documentation of new arrivals;; basic protection;; and life-saving activities;; specifically: the establishment of adequate camp infrastructure;; provision of non-food items (NFI) to new arrivals in camps;; access to health care;; food assistance;; access to clean water in camps;; and physical protection including response to and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence (SgBV). Other essential activities include the identification and protection of unaccompanied and separated children (UA/SC);; access to education services and subsistence aid to the most vulnerable among the non-camp refugee population;; and improving access to water in refugee- hosting communities.

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