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الصفحة الرئيسية


The annual report provides an overview to the country situation in regards to children and women and summary of the humanitarian and developmental assistance of the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO) in 2010. The report includes Jordan’s progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in addition to the analysis of the organization’s projects. The projects focus on assisting Iraqi children in education and strengthening young child survival and development and adolescents’ participation and empowerment. The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other UN agencies;; local agencies and government ministries. Some highlights of the 2010 annual report include the Ma’An campaign to end violence in school;; the UNICEF’s partnership with the government in supporting Iraqi children in gaining access to public education and a joint programme to develop a tracking system to monitor family violence and abuse cases with other UN agencies and Jordan’s National Council for Family Affairs.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the issues that are limiting the democratic perception of Jordanian university students' political engagement in university life. The paper defines this issue as being directly linked with both students' freedom and representative bodies. It offers a description of the historical and legal backgrounds associated with students' political participation in Jordanian universities;; and examines the core issues associated with students' political participation. This paper also categorizes the various problems that limit students' participation;; including intervention of security offices in student affairs;; the weakness of student clubs;; and the election mechanisms of student elections. This paper also discusses the absence of a student body that unifies various Jordanian universities;; disciplinary regulations;; university violence;; and the inability to students to express their political thoughts within the university.

The report aims to better understand and quantify the attitude and the levels of awareness amongst large consumers of water and energy;; and it presents the findings of the interviews conducted with a representative sample of large consumers to better understand trends and behaviors related to water and energy consumption. The research was conducted as part of the Jordan Public Action in Water;; Energy;; and Environment Project (PAP) under the Prosperity;; Livelihoods;; and Conserving Ecosystems (PLACE);; which aims to initiate and establish clear and identifiable behavioral changes amongst the Jordanian public and decision-makers. The study categorizes large consumers into a number of main sectors including hotel and restaurant sectors;; commercial sector;; hospitals;; government buildings and industrial sector;; and the field surveys were collected as a random sample of different industries;; state and commercial buildings. The research finds that the majority of large consumers neither monitor their water nor their energy consumptions via sub-metering scheme;; showing that the majority of large consumers are not able to accurately determine the areas within their establishments that are the most consuming. This finding identifies four major obstacles in implementing the water and energy saving practices including;; lack of awareness;; lack of incentive programs amongst employees;; higher prices for higher quality savings devices and lack of proper maintenance.

The report aims to learn about young people's knowledge;; attitudes;; and behaviors with regards to water conservation;; energy conservation;; and waste management;; and it assess these against the learning objectives of the curriculum. It discovers that students' knowledge was sufficient and at times more sophisticated than that founded in the curriculum even though their attitudes and behaviors remain largely unchanged. The object of the survey pertains to the objectives of the Public Action for Water;; Energy;; and Environment Project;; which revolve around education for young people;; teachers and youth leaders to develop their knowledge and ethical values and attitudes. The survey focuses on assessing young people and educator's current awareness of water and energy resources and waste reduction and evaluating formal curriculum resources. The report points at the gap of translating young people's knowledge into genuine interest;; concern and action and proposes set of targeted actions including development of relevant resources and additional supplemental materials;; age-relevant projects to support environmental concepts in the national curriculum and assignment of environmental coordinator at all schools.

تهدف الدراسة إلى البحث في مدى انتشار العنف;; والاتجاهات والمفاهيم حول العنف في المحافظتين الأردنيتين الأكبر من حيث الكثافة السكانية: العاصمة (عمّان) والزرقاء. ولا يقتصر هذا التقرير على البحث في درجة انتشار العنف في هاتين المحافظتين وفي طبيعة العنف (بما يشمل العموامل الجسدية والنفسية والاقتصادية);; وإنما يحاول أيضاً تكوين فهم لأسباب هذا العنف من خلال تحديد القضايا المتشابكة التي تؤدي إليه وكيفية ارتباط هذه القضايا مع بعضها البعض.

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حجم الخط


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