تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


هدفت هذه الدارسة إلى التعرّف على تأثير خدمات النقل العام للشباب في الفئة العمرية 15-24 على خيارات وأنشطة الشباب فيما يخص التدريب والتشغيل وأهم المشكلات التي تواجه الشباب عند استخدام وسائل النقل

The report was published from the World Health Organization/ United Nations Children’s Fund (WHO/UNICEF)’s pilot project to test a method for the rapid assessment of the quality of drinking-water in six countries;; including Jordan;; China;; Ethiopia;; Nicaragua;; Nigeria and Tajikistan. This assessment report aims to develop a tool that would support WHO/UNICEF’s joint program in strengthening the monitoring efforts of the global access to safe drinking water. The analysis of the report is based on the water samples and statistical data that were collected from 1600 drinking water supply sites in 67 clusters. The report finds that drinking water quality is generally high in the distribution network of Jordan and national standards for bacteria complies with the WHO guideline values. It also identifies the sanitary risk factors for Jordanian water supplies including the presence of sewer lines;; old pipes and failure to properly maintain household storage tanks.

The report aims to learn about young people's knowledge;; attitudes;; and behaviors with regards to water conservation;; energy conservation;; and waste management;; and it assess these against the learning objectives of the curriculum. It discovers that students' knowledge was sufficient and at times more sophisticated than that founded in the curriculum even though their attitudes and behaviors remain largely unchanged. The object of the survey pertains to the objectives of the Public Action for Water;; Energy;; and Environment Project;; which revolve around education for young people;; teachers and youth leaders to develop their knowledge and ethical values and attitudes. The survey focuses on assessing young people and educator's current awareness of water and energy resources and waste reduction and evaluating formal curriculum resources. The report points at the gap of translating young people's knowledge into genuine interest;; concern and action and proposes set of targeted actions including development of relevant resources and additional supplemental materials;; age-relevant projects to support environmental concepts in the national curriculum and assignment of environmental coordinator at all schools.

يقدم هذا التقرير مجموعة من المؤشرات على شكل أرقام ونسب مئوية للقوى العاملة وأبرز الخصائص التعليمية والنشاط الاقتصادي والفئات العمرية والحالة العملية والمهنية ومستوى الرواتب والأجور النقدية المدفوعة وحجم التوظيف وغيرها. وكما يتضمن التقرير مجموعة من الجداول التفصيلية والأشكال البيانية لأهم المؤشرات للفترة الزمنية 2007-2011 وهذا بالاضافة الى كيفية احتساب أهم المؤشرات حسب تعاريف منظمة العمل الدولية.

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حجم الخط


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