تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


أُجري هذا التقرير على مدار أربعة أشهر في لبنان والأردن;; ويركز على التحديات المؤلمة التي تواجه أطفال اللاجئين السوريين كل يوم. والهدف من هذا التقرير هو إعداد تقرير قائم على الأدلة من زاوية إنسانية;; تستهدف قاعدة عريضة من الجماهير لرفع الوعي بشأن التحديات التي تواجه حماية الأطفال;; وإعطاء فكرة عن كيفية استجابة وكالة الأمم المتحدة وشركائها;; وتسليط الضوء على بعض الفجوات التي تتطلب اهتماماً عاجلاً من جانب المجتمع الدولي. وتم اعتماد منهجية تتألف من مراجعة مكتبية للتقارير والتقييمات القائمة;; إلى جانب جمع البيانات وإجراء بحث ميداني في كل من المواقع الحضرية والريفية وفي المخيمات. وقد تم جمع المعلومات من خلال مناقشات مجموعة التركيز والمقابلات التي أجريت مع الأطفال اللاجئين وعائلاتهم;; إلى جانب اللاجئين العاملين مع الأطفال داخل مجتمعاتهم وموظفي المفوضية وغيرها من المنظمات العاملة مع الأطفال اللاجئين.

With an executive summary on the Syrian refugees situation in Jordan;; the report combines the conclusions of detailed assessments in various areas including as child protection and gender-based violence;; education;; water sanitation and hygiene;; and nutrition and health. It provides a holistic picture of the situation faced by Syrian children and women in Jordan to draw out recommendations for necessary plans of action. Some key findings of the report include growing challenges for water;; sanitation and hygiene situation in Za’atari camp;; several threats to the nutritional status and health of Syrian girls;; boys and women and increasing violence against adolescents. Bringing together the voices of children and women at the camps;; the report examines the situations of Syrian refugees in host communities and refugee camps and finds key recommendations based on them.

This report provides an assessment of the Millennium Development Goals;; laid out by the UN Millennium Declaration. The UN Millennium Declaration was adopted in September of 2000 as a commitment on the part of the world's leading nations to reduce poverty;; improve health and promote peace;; human rights;; and environmental sustainability. The Millennium Development Goals are specific;; measurable targets that aim to reduce extreme global poverty by the year 2015. This report analyzes the challenges and barriers to meeting these goals as of 2003;; examining the successes and failures of various nations and the gaps that exist between regions and countries with regards to economic growth and human development. This report then examines the successes and failures of public and private policies with regards to hunger;; health;; water and sanitation;; education;; and environmental sustainability. This report also analyzes the participation of civil society throughout the world and the mobilization of grassroots support for the various human development goals. Finally;; this report presents a number of recommendations on what countries can do to best support these goals.

This 37-page report documents the killings and attempted murders of women by male family members who claim they are defending family "honor." The report also details the cases of women;; threatened with "honor" crimes;; who languish in prison for years while held in protective custody.

Jordan’s second Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 shows the extent to which progress has been made towards achieving those targets and highlights the challenges that still confront the country to achieve these goals. The report seeks to identify the policies required for meeting the MDG targets by the year 2015;; at a time when the United Nations and the World’s governments are exerting a collective effort to review the progress achieved to date and identify the obstacles standing in the way of meeting the goals and targets by 2015.

The Millenium Development Goals Report has been prepared through the active participation of the Jordanian Government and the UN Country Team. As scorekeeper of the MDGs;; UNDP supported the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in this joint endeavor. The objectives of this report are to create a baseline situation;; monitor progresses made to date;; and indicate what should be done in order to achieve the MDGs. The concluding section of fostering global cooperation gives an overview of national efforts to strengthen the basis and improve the environment for developing strong partnerships to achieve macroeconomic stability and other important national objectives.

يوثّق التقرير الانتهاكات القائمة بحق عاملات المنازل;; وإخفاق المسؤولين الأردنيين في محاسبة أرباب العمل ومكاتب الاستقدام التي تستقدم العاملات. كما ينتقد التقرير قوانين الهجرة وقوانين العمل المنزلي التي تيسّر وقوع الانتهاكات;; من قبيل تحديد الإقامة قسراً في البيت وفرض غرامات على تجاوز مدد الإقامة القانونية;; حتى إن لم تكن العاملة هي السبب في التجاوز.

This study aims to demonstrate the rights of disabled people stated by the legislator. The study shows the extent to which state and civil society institutions adhere to the implementation of applicable legislations related to people with disabilities.

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