Maintenance Service Center - Feasibility Study: USAID LENS Women in Non-Traditional Sectors Work-Stream
This report presents the findings of a financial feasibility study regarding the establishment of a service center in four selected geographic areas: Al-Jama’ah and Quwaysimah in Amman,Irbid
(Qasabah),and Zarqa (Qasabah). The financial feasibility is intended to provide an understanding of the viability and sustainability of establishing a service center where women can cluster skills in five main services to provide comprehensive services in a single destination.
This paper begins with a section on general assumptions about inflation,GDP growth and population growth during the projection period,followed by an explanation of different staffing models and
other technical requirements for the proposed center. It states assumptions about revenue,costs and expenses before presenting the projected financial results by geography. It concludes with
recommendations about opportunities to implement the service center concept.