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Information and Research - King Hussein Foundation
Information and Research - King Hussein Foundation
4 April، 2023

A National Strategic Framework for Countering Violent Extremism in Jordan

A National Strategic Framework for Countering Violent Extremism in Jordan PDF file screenshot

Following the uprisings in the Arab world,the region has lurched into a period of massive change and instability. An unfortunate consequence of this change has been the rise and proliferation of militant groups such as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham) and Jubhat al-Nusra in Iraq and Syria. These militant groups successfully recruit members from the region and beyond,fueling conflict in countries that have witnessed unrest,such as Libya,Tunisia,Egypt,Yemen,Iraq,and Syria. Although Jordan has long been seen as a regional hub of stability and security,especially by its Western allies,it increasingly exhibits symptoms of the long-standing pressures exerted upon it by the surrounding conflicts,resulting refugee crises,and pre-existing domestic challenges. Jordan’s hypothetical fall into instability could have catastrophic consequences for the region,exacerbating the crises in Syria and Iraq,empowering ISIS and other militant groups,and threatening regional and global security. In response,this article offers a general framework for the expansion of the country’s nascent Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) program,including both preventative and remedial measures. Beginning with an overview of the processes of radicalization and de-radicalization,this article proceeds with a brief discussion of Jordan’s current situation before synthesizing scholarly articles and analyses of other CVE programs in order to establish a framework to guide Jordan’s developing CVE interventions.

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Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure
Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions
Information and Research - King Hussein Foundation
Information and Research - King Hussein Foundation

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