UNWTO Global Report on Women in Tourism 2010

Empowering women to participate in economic development at all levels and in all sectors is essential to building strong economies and stable,just societies. Tourism provides significant opportunities for both women and men. According to UNWTO Highlights 21,tourism’s contribution to employment is estimated to be 6% to 7% of the overall number of jobs worldwide (direct and indirect). One in twelve of the world’s workers are employed in the travel and tourism industry. In developing countries where women have less access to education and often have greater household responsibilities,the low barriers to entry,flexible working hours,and part-time work present potential opportunities for employment.
Tourism can also help poor women break the poverty cycle through formal and informal employment,entrepreneurship,training,and community betterment. Not all women are benefitting equally from tourism development,however. In some cases,lack of education and resources may prevent the poorest women from benefitting from tourism development. While in some regions tourism helps empower women,in other regions,tourism negatively affects the lives of women and perpetuates existing economic and gender inequalities.
This report was commissioned to examine how and to what degree tourism can positively impact the lives of women in developing regions of the world. By examining the current status of women in tourism and establishing a set of indicators to monitor the impact of tourism on women on an ongoing basis,the study is designed to help provide a framework for improved policymaking concerning women and tourism in the future.
The overarching vision for the Global Report on Women in Tourism is to promote women’s empowerment and protect women’s rights through better tourism work. There are five goals: to promote equal opportunities for women working in tourism; to inspire increased entrepreneurship for women in tourism; to advance women through education and training; to encourage women to lead in tourism; to protect vulnerable women and those working in home-based tourism enterprises.