Defining the goal as improved prosperity,accountability and equality for a stable,democratic Jordan,the strategy report highlights a long-standing partnership between Jordan and the United States
The report presents an up-to-date analysis of gender disparities in Jordan to inform development assistance programs by the USAID for the 213-217 strategic plan. The assessment report is prepared by
This publication aims to summarize and assess the results of the United States Energy Association (USEA)’s Jordan Energy Partnership Project (JUPP),funded by the USAID. The JUPP is part of the USEA
The report is based on the study designed to conduct a communications assessment of Aqaba Water Company,one of the key water utilities in Jordan and to examine how its communications department
The report presents the findings of the government institutions efforts survey,which is designed for the purpose of reviewing the government agencies’ current and past communication activities in
The report presents the findings of a desktop survey conducted to review gender studies in Jordan with an overall goal of the survey as to ensure that gender is adequately addressed throughout project
The report aims to understand the outlook of Jordanians,the key determinants of behavioral change in search for “drivers” that can be used in programs promoting conservation of water or energy and
This report is the result of the long,tedious and creative work of many Jordanian experts who together have reflected the most comprehensive outlook about climate change in the Jordanian context and