This booklet presents evidence based research on healthy birth spacing and puts forth reccomendations on what can be done in Jordan in terms of polices,education and health services in order to
This booklet presents evidence based research on healthy birth spacing and puts forth reccomendations on what can be done in Jordan in terms of polices,education and health services in order to
The World Drug Report presents a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in drug markets. It covers production,trafficking,consumption and related health consequences. Chapter 1 of this year
Many illicit drug markets have reached global dimensions and require control strategies on a comparable scale. In that context,there is a need to better understand these transnational markets and the
In 29,the United Nations Member States decided to make further and decisive progress,within a decade,in controlling illicit drug supply and demand. Many illicit drug markets have reached global
The World Drug Report presents comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation. It provides detailed estimates and trends on production,trafficking and consumption in the opium/heroin,coca
The World Drug Report presents comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation. It provides detailed estimates and trends on production,trafficking and consumption in the opium/heroin,coca
This report summarizes the status of woman in Jordan through statistical tables disaggregated by sex,monitoring briefly the main achievements and pointing out the gaps to be addressed.
يهدف هذا المسح والذي نفذ لأول مرة في الأردن إلى التعرف على أوضاع قطاع العمل غير المنظم في مناطق أمانة عمان الكبرى,والتعرف على المشاركة الاقتصادية للمراة من خلال الوقوف على أهم الأسباب التي تدفعها