تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


وضعـت الحكومـة الأردنية، والتـي تـم تشـكيلها فـي شـهر حزيـران مـن عـام 218، الشـفافية والمشـاركة الشـعبية فـي أعلـى سـلم أولوياتهـا، وذلـك اسـتجابة لكتـاب التكليـف السـامي مـن الملـك عبـدالله الثانـي

تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقديم عرض أولي للخدمات المقدمة للناجيات من العنف ضد المرأة في البلدان الأعضاء في الإسكوا، وإلى استكشاف طبيعة نظام الإحالة الموجود في هذه الدول لحماية الناجيات من العنف وتقديم

بحوث و تقارير

يبحث هذا التقرير مسألة العنف القائم على نوع الاجتماعي في الأردن من خلال النظر في أساليب وأثر مكتب شكاوى المرأة في مكتب عمان، الأردن. ويشمل هذا التقرير قضايا مختلفة مثل مسببات العنف القائم على النوع

بحوث و تقارير

The report is based on the study designed to conduct a communications assessment of Aqaba Water Company;; one of the key water utilities in Jordan and to examine how its communications department collaborates with other areas of the organization. As part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; a public education and behavior change communication program developed to support USAID’s technical and policy investments in the Jordanian water and energy sectors;; the report finds that the effective communications can save the utility money by improving operations;; increasing efficiencies and reducing customer complaints. The report suggests that the strategic communications can be the key to a sustainable future for the kingdom during the times of critical resource constraints and presents some guiding principles and recommendations for the Aqaba Water Company’s communication efforts.

The report is based on the outreach and communication survey of USAID and other donors' efforts. It is part of the Public Action Project;; which supports USAID's technical and policy investments in the Jordanian water and energy sectors and specific initiatives in the environment. The survey was designed to report on past;; current and planned donor efforts in relation to water;; energy and solid waste management – with the main focus on water sector. It is intended to help the PAP team to design communication strategies and specific behavior change campaigns by building on lessons learned from outreach efforts. The report is based on the survey consisting of 39 open-ended interviews with donor officials and managers of donor-funded projects;; and it includes analysis and recommendations on coordination with current and planned donor projects. The report recommends improvement in coordination through development of national communication strategies;; assistance in water and energy sectors to establish trust and credibility with their customers;; reduction and streamlining of programs targeting schoolchildren;; and setting up of priority areas for change through technical assessment in water and energy.

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حجم الخط


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