تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية

والتدريب المهني

With an executive summary on the Syrian refugees situation in Jordan;; the report combines the conclusions of detailed assessments in various areas including as child protection and gender-based violence;; education;; water sanitation and hygiene;; and nutrition and health. It provides a holistic picture of the situation faced by Syrian children and women in Jordan to draw out recommendations for necessary plans of action. Some key findings of the report include growing challenges for water;; sanitation and hygiene situation in Za’atari camp;; several threats to the nutritional status and health of Syrian girls;; boys and women and increasing violence against adolescents. Bringing together the voices of children and women at the camps;; the report examines the situations of Syrian refugees in host communities and refugee camps and finds key recommendations based on them.

This national report on Adult Education in Jordan;; is a report presented to the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education. It presents Jordanian educational legislation;; strategies;; policies and laws as well as educational projects and programs. The main theme of this report is the right of education.

This report explores the role of Small and Medium-Enterprises (SME);; as an agent for sustainable human development in Jordan. It analyzes SMEs and their contribution to human development using fours key central pillars of human development;; namely: economic growth that is equitable and pro-poor;; social progress;; participation and empowerment through micro finance;; and environmental sustainability. The report analyses the link between SMEs and empowerment or lack thereof;; with a specific focus on the two issues of employment;; as a tool for empowerment;; and the capacity of SMEs to enhance the position of women within the workforce and home. The report findings were based on extensive research;; a survey of 1;;500 firms and focus groups discussions conducted across the governorates of Jordan. The report proposed general recommendations in terms of institutional coordination;; exports;; cluster groups;; quality standard;; government monitoring;; tax law;; local development;; youth empowerment and the increase of minimum wage.

The Government of Jordan adopted its first Poverty Alleviation Strategy in 2002 recognizing poverty as a key development problem requiring a comprehensive policy for improving the lives of the poor and socially excluded;; increasing their human capabilities;; providing them with economic opportunities and fully integrating them in the society. Considerable progress in poverty reduction has been achieved. The Government has put in place a series of social programs aimed at increasing employment opportunities;; curbing unemployment;; combating poverty and offering in-kind and cash assistance for the poor and marginalized groups within Jordanian society

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