تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية

والطاقة الشمسية

The report is based on a field assessment of 16 desert campsites in the city of Aqaba – Wadi Rum and Dieseh districts to evaluate these camps’ energy needs and their current energy situation. As part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; a public education and behavior change communication program developed to support USAID’s technical and policy investments in the Jordanian water and energy sectors;; the report assesses the current government policies and behaviors related to the issues of water;; solid waste and energy at campsites in Wadi Rum and Dieseh. The fieldwork of the report was designed to assess current campsites’ situation and energy profile;; evaluate how to reduce their energy needs;; and assess the possibility of installing renewable energy for electricity. The report concludes with several recommendations such as the enhancement of energy efficiency;; re-design of the electrical lighting systems;; re-wire of the electrical circuits;; and enforcement of laws and regulations.

The report presents the findings of a desktop survey conducted to review gender studies in Jordan with an overall goal of the survey as to ensure that gender is adequately addressed throughout project research;; analysis and activities of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP). Under the PAP mandate to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods;; the report is based on a gender desktop review of existing research on gender and natural resource management in Jordan. It capitalizes on the growing body of research on gender across sectors in Jordan including natural resource management;; to apply and adapt the findings to the PAP project activities. The report concludes with recommendations for the PAP projects such as donor collaboration;; improvement of women’s knowledge of water and energy saving methods;; engagement and creation of women’s participation to promote and support opportunities for small;; women-owned business promoting water and energy saving technologies and promotion of alternative technologies.

أدوات الوصول

حجم الخط


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