يهدف هذا التقرير إلى الإبلاغ عن انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان التي ارتكبت ضد الشعب السوري في سوريا والشعب العراقي في العراق. أجرى محامون من واشنطن العاصمة أربع رحلات إلى الأردن لجمع شهادات وقصص عن انتهاكات
تناقش هذه المقالة المساعدات الاقتصادية الأمريكية للأردن منذ عام 1952 ومخرجاتها التنموية، حيث شملت المئات من المشاريع المشتركة بين الأردن والولايات المتحدة لبناء البنية التحتية في الأردن، وتطوير
إن هذا التقرير، الذي نشرته منظمة الإغاثة الإسلامية، يلخص بإيجاز تدخل المنظمة الإنساني للأعوام 212-214. منذ عام 212، والإغاثة الإسلامية تعمل على حماية اللاجئين السوريين والنازحين داخلياً عن طريق تلبية
Accommodating people's growing demands for their inclusion in society;; for respect of their ethnicity;; religion;; and language;; takes more than democracy and equitable growth. Also needed are multicultural policies that recognize differences;; champion diversity and promote cultural freedoms;; so that all people can choose to speak their language;; practice their religion;; and participate in shaping their culture—so that all people can choose to be who they are. In recent years the Human Development Report has argued strongly that this is as much a question of politics as economics—from protecting human rights to deepening democracy. Human development is first and foremost about allowing people to lead the kind of life they choose—and providing them with the tools and opportunities to make those choices. The 2004 Report builds on that analysis;; by carefully examining—and rejecting—claims that cultural differences necessarily lead to social;; economic and political conflict or that inherent cultural rights should supersede political and economic ones. Instead;; it provides a powerful argument for finding ways to “delight in our differences”;; as Archbishop Desmond Tutu has put it. It also offers some concrete ideas on what it means in practice to build and manage the politics of identity and culture in a manner consistent with the bedrock principles of human development.
The annual report summarizes and evaluates the humanitarian and developmental assistance of the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO) in 2012. The report also includes evaluation of the ongoing projects such as providing humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees in camps and host communities;; establishing foster care programme for children deprived of parental care;; and supporting advocacy work on children’s rights to education and women empowerment. The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other organizations in relevant fields. In the report;; the limited capacity and number of social workers and lack of technical support from the government in budgeting and social policy reforms are identified as major obstacles.
The 2011 annual report provides a comprehensive summary of the ongoing projects by the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO). The programmes and projects include social protection initiatives for the National Aid Fund and Zakat Fund;; national perinatal and neonatal mortality study and development of nationwide computerized violence tracking system. . The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other organizations in relevant fields including the Ministries of Interior;; Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and other UN agencies (UNDP;; UNFPA;; UNWOMEN;; UNHCR and WHO). The report specifies the organization’s methodology in collecting data and evidence and monitoring mechanisms to track and assess programme progress. In evaluating the development of ongoing projects;; the report summarizes future work plans and examines critical factors and constraints in each project.
The annual report provides an overview to the country situation in regards to children and women and summary of the humanitarian and developmental assistance of the UNICEF Jordan Country Office (JCO) in 2010. The report includes Jordan’s progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in addition to the analysis of the organization’s projects. The projects focus on assisting Iraqi children in education and strengthening young child survival and development and adolescents’ participation and empowerment. The analysis of the report is based on the progress and assessment of the JCO’s projects in partnership with other UN agencies;; local agencies and government ministries. Some highlights of the 2010 annual report include the Ma’An campaign to end violence in school;; the UNICEF’s partnership with the government in supporting Iraqi children in gaining access to public education and a joint programme to develop a tracking system to monitor family violence and abuse cases with other UN agencies and Jordan’s National Council for Family Affairs.
ويوثق "إقصاء المنتقدين" كيف تزايد استخدام المحافظين لهذا القانون في رفض غالبية الطلبات الخاصة بتنظيم مظاهرات;; من التي يتقدم بها أشخاص يُعتبرون منتقدين للحكومة;; مثل الطلبات التي تم التقدم بها في يونيو/حزيران 2007 بتنظيم مظاهرة ضد الممارسات الإسرائيلية في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة. كما رفضت الحكومة طلبات سابقة بتنظيم مظاهرات ضد الممارسات الأميركية في العراق وللاحتجاج ضد رفع الحكومة الأردنية لأسعار الوقود. ويوضح التقرير أيضاً كم تمادت السلطات حتى إنها حظرت على منظمات المجتمع المدني الاجتماع في أماكن مؤجرة;; لنقاش مجريات عمل تحالف مراقبة الانتخابات على سبيل المثال.