تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


"تهدف هذه الدراسة، كجزء من برنامج اليونسكو الدولي الحكومي لإدارة التحولات الاجتماعية إلى زيادة المعرفة المتعلّقة بإدماج الشابات والشبّان اجتماعيًا وسياسيًا في الدول العربية بالاستناد إلى تجارب سابقة

يركز هذا التقرير، الذي نشر من قبل المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين، على المساواة بين الجنسين في قوانين الجنسية، وبخاصة المساواة بين الرجل والمرأة في منح الجنسية لأطفالهم. ويوضح التقرير كيف تحققت

بحوث و تقارير

يبحث هذا التقرير، الذي نشره اليونسيف، حالة النساء والفتيات داخل المجتمع المصري. ويتضمن التقرير معلومات عن الإطار القانوني في مصر حيث أنها تتصل بالسكان الإناث في البلاد والمؤسسات المصرية والآليات التي

بحوث و تقارير

يمثل هذا التقرير مؤشر إستدامة منظمات المجتمع المدني السنوي لعام 212. حيث يركز على الأبعاد التالية: البيئة القانونية، القدرة المؤسسية، القدرة المالية، الدعوة وكسب التأييد، تقديم الخدمات، البنية التحتية

The UNICEF Syria Crisis is a series of bi-weekly report that provides a summary of the humanitarian situation in Syria and development of the organization’s projects in the regions including Syria;; Lebanon;; Jordan;; Iraq;; Turkey and Egypt. The report contains an overview to the changing situations and humanitarian needs of the crisis. It focuses on the results and progress of the UNICEF projects in partnership with other local agencies in each country. These projects aim to ensure sustained access to safe water and sanitation;; provide psychosocial support;; vaccination and school supplies for children and support camps and host community schools for increased school enrollment. Relevant figures that summarize and evaluate the development of ongoing programmes can also be found in the report.

بحوث و تقارير

Jobs are crucial for individual well-being. They provide a livelihood and;; equally important;; a sense of dignity. They are also crucial for collective well-being and economic growth. However;; the rules and the incentives that govern labor markets in MENA countries have led to inefficient and inequitable outcomes on the personal and collective standpoint. Several underlying distortions prevent a more productive use of human capital and have led to a widespread sense of unfairness and exclusion;; of which the Arab Spring was a powerful expression.

The Arab World faces extraordinary challenges. In a region with the world's highest youth unemployment rate;; millions are frustrated by their job prospects – a frustration born of education that often leaves them unprepared for the marketplace. This report shows that the private sector can be a powerful force for positive change by complementing public efforts to ensure that the region's youth gain the right skills for the jobs being created.

This report surveys children’s literature in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the promotion of child literacy. The survey examines the promotion of children’s literature through various axis;; including official state policies;; the role of the private sector;; and the role of institutions and national programs in promoting child literacy. The report also examines Egypt’s childhood education system;; the quality and distribution of public libraries throughout Egypt;; and the nature of the publishing industry. Finally;; this report makes a number of recommendations which aim to further promote literacy among children in Egypt.

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حجم الخط


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