بناء على مجموعة من أعمال المساواة الآن لحماية حقوق الفتيات والنساء، يوضح هذا التقرير تأثير زواج الأطفال من خلال دراسة 11 حالة، ويتضمن تحليلا للقوانين والقضايا المحيطة بزواج الأطفال من 18 بلدا. كتب
This paper examines issues concerning the state's financial contribution to political parties. It argues that the weakness of parties' financial resources limits their ability to engage in political activities and elections. The purpose of this paper is thus to provide a number of options and recommendation to help decision makers form the state's system for financing political parties. It aims to provide suitable financial support for each political party;; encourage the development of political parties in Jordan;; raise the political efficiency of political parties;; develop their organizational structures;; and motivate parties to participate in political life at national and local levels. This paper analyzes the positives and negatives of four financing options and;; based on this analysis;; presents a suggested system to assist decision makers as they design the state's financing mechanism for political parties.
دراسة بحثية وطنية تهدف غلى المستهمة في جمع بيانات دقيقة عن وضع الفتاة الطفلة وتهدف إلى تحليل الطريقة التي تؤثر فيها الثقافة المجتمعية التي يمارسها المجتمع على صياغة القانون. واستناداً إلى المواضيع التيي والثغرات التي أبرزها أصحاب العلاقة بناءاً على تحليل النتائج ومن خلال إتباع نهج يستند على حقوق الإنسان;; فقد تم تصنيف الدراسة إلى الموضوعات التالية: حقوق المساواة وعدم التمييز;; حقوق الأسرة;; وتعليم الفتاة والطفلة;; والعنف القائم على الجنس ضد الفتاة الطفلة;; وعمالة الفتاة الطفلة;; والصحة والزواج المبكر;; والعادات والتقاليد. والغرض من تحليل النتائج والتوصيات هو في انها ستسهم بفعالية في جهود كسب الدعم باسم الفتاة الطفلة في الأردن. واعتمد البحث على كل من منجية البحث النوعي والكمي;; حيث تم العمل على مراجعة التشريعات الأردنية والأطر الدولية ذات الصلة بحقوق الفتيات والأطفال;; إضافة إلى اجراء مقابلات مع خبراء قانونيين واجتماعيين وشخصيات عامة والمجتمع المحلي في الأردن حول القضايا ذا تالصلة بحقوق الفتيات والأطفال. وقد تم اعداد استبيان من اجل جمع المعلومات المطلوبة وتم تعبئته في كل من عمان والزرقاء وإربد والمفرق والعقبة والكرك. وكما قام فريق البحث بعقد سبع ورشات عمل للفنون على مستوى المملكة في 7 محافظات;; وعقد 4 جلسات مائدة مستديرة في 3 محافظات.
This research study aims to investigate child labor in Irbid to provide a deep understanding of and knowledge about the socio-economic and cultural context of working children in Irbid. It also aims to propose intervention programs that maximize the effectiveness of the Family and Childhood Protection Society (FCPS);; an NGO in Irbid that works on issues related to children. Various study results have shown that children often work in dangerous and hazardous conditions where they are exposed to physical and psychological abuse;; in addition to exploitation in terms of minimal pay and long working hours. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used to conduct the research presented in this report. In-depth interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data from all organizations working on child-related issues and from working children and their family members.
The report presents the findings;; conclusions and recommendations of a midterm evaluation of Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) II;; a five year (2009-2014);; $73 million USAID-funded project. The strategy of the HSS II is to institutionalize strengthened health systems in support of reduced fertility rates and improved women's health. It works with the public health sector;; namely the Ministry of Health;; the Royal Medical Service and the Jordan University Hospital. The report finds that the project has met 13 of its 23 targets for year 3 and is on track to meet all its objectives by the end of the project. Expected results are public sector initiatives in safe motherhood and reproductive health. The HSS II project;; with its close ties with the Ministry of Health for its responsiveness to health needs and integrated approach to health delivery;; has strengthened critical health systems through its support to health management information system;; renovations;; accreditation;; referrals and capacity-building. The report recommends the USAID to negotiate the removal of a requirement that midwives be supervised intrauterine device insertion;; advocate for innovative incentive schemes and varying salary grades that reward midwives and doctors providing FP services and revise project indicators to reflect health outcomes and impact. Further recommendations include continuing support of a broad-scale mass media behavior change and communication campaign and programs that build on gains in maternal and neonatal health.