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الصفحة الرئيسية


لقد تم تصميم هذا التقرير من أجل تقديم معلومات عن مستويات واتجاهات الخصوبة، وأفضليات الخصوبة والرضع ومعدل وفيات الأطفال، وتنظيم الأسرة. كما جمع مسح معلومات عن الرضاعة الطبيعية، والأم والرعاية الصحية

بحوث و تقارير

يتناول هذا المشروع الفرص والمخاطر العالمية التي أنشأها الانتقال من التقليدية إلى وسائل الإعلام الرقمية، ويكشف تأثير هذه التغييرات في الأردن في خضم حملة على حرية وسائل الإعلام بعد الانتفاضات في عام 211

بحوث و تقارير

يسلط التقرير الضوء على واحدة من أهم القضايا أمام المجتمع الإماراتي، وهي مسألة إدماج الشباب وتمكينهم من المساهمة الفاعلة في نقل وتوطين المعرفة باعتبارها نقطة انطلاق لإقامة مجتمع المعرفة في الدولة،

يأتي هذا التقرير استمراراً لتراكم الجهود التي بدأت مع تقريري المعرفة الأول والثاني، ومواصلة تشخيص الإمكانات والآليات التي تمكن المنطقة العربية من تحقيق هدف بناء مجتمع المعرفة، والمشاركة في بناء

بحوث و تقارير

The report explores the level of knowledge;; attitudes held and practices observed by young people towards environmental issues related to water and energy conservation and sold waste management. It maps out available resources;; programs and learning opportunities in the informal and non-formal education sectors;; through which positive environmental attitudes can be encouraged and promoted. The survey of the report assess the knowledge;; attitudes and practices of young people aged 7 -24;; educations;; staff and youth workers to identify strengths and areas for improvement through capacity building and explore existing resources;; programs to evaluate their effectiveness. This research was conducted as part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; which aims to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods. The study concludes that there is a need for more “green” programs that involve youth in a proactive way and therefore;; it recommends that programs targeting youth need to remain positive;; dynamic and in context. The recommendations of the report include development of environmental resources in the Arabic language;; the youth-led;; peer-led programs that involve participatory learning opportunities;; and social media tools to raise interests;; awareness and creation of environmental education task force.

The study aims to evaluate the concepts of water;; energy and solid waste that exists in the curriculum and the manner in which they are tackled by mapping the current textbooks based the three themes of the study – water;; energy and solid waste. The report is based on a comprehensive study of 104 school textbooks from grades 1 – 10 in fourteen subjects. The survey finds that the environmental education concepts were vastly covered in all subjects of he study in a total of 1777 concepts;; and most of them focused on scientific facts and information with repetitive energy concepts and lack of sequential flow. This research was conducted as part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; which aims to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods. Based on the finding that there is little space allocated to the synthesis and application of information and knowledge and therefore the concepts remain superficially tackled;; the report recommends that support material should be prepared for the different grade levels and training programs should be developed for the teachers as real agent of change and role models.

In 2006;; the Sultanate of Oman undertook a project that aimed to support the implementation of the country’s vision towards conservation of biological diversity in the Sultanate of Oman. This report serves as an “evaluation and assessment of capacity building in the field of traditional knowledge related to biodiversity.” The report aims to describe the state of traditional knowledge on biodiversity in Oman;; assess capacity-building requirements in relation to traditional knowledge;; and provide a set of recommendations with a strategy for the protection and maintenance of traditional knowledge on biodiversity conservation. Various topics related to biodiversity are covered;; including irrigation;; tree cultivation;; crop improvement;; livestock management;; and soil and water conservation. The methodology used depends on three sources of information;; including a review of secondary data;; in-depth interviews;; and a participatory workshop.

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حجم الخط


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