تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


This report provides an assessment of the Millennium Development Goals;; laid out by the UN Millennium Declaration. The UN Millennium Declaration was adopted in September of 2000 as a commitment on the part of the world's leading nations to reduce poverty;; improve health and promote peace;; human rights;; and environmental sustainability. The Millennium Development Goals are specific;; measurable targets that aim to reduce extreme global poverty by the year 2015. This report analyzes the challenges and barriers to meeting these goals as of 2003;; examining the successes and failures of various nations and the gaps that exist between regions and countries with regards to economic growth and human development. This report then examines the successes and failures of public and private policies with regards to hunger;; health;; water and sanitation;; education;; and environmental sustainability. This report also analyzes the participation of civil society throughout the world and the mobilization of grassroots support for the various human development goals. Finally;; this report presents a number of recommendations on what countries can do to best support these goals.

جاءت هذه الدراسة لغايات تسليط الضوء على واقع إدماج النوع الاجتماعي على الصعيدين المؤسسي والتشريعي في وزارة العمل الأردنية. ولتحقيق ذلك استخدمت الدراسة أسلوب البحث النوعي من خلال إجراء المقابلات المعمقة مع عدد من موظفي وموظفات الوزارة والمديريات التابعة لها في محافظات المملكة المختلفة لتمثل الاقاليم الثلاث (الشمال والوسط والجنوب). إذ بلغ عدد المستجيبين (30) موظفاً وموظفة تم اختيارهم باستخدام أسلوب العينة القصدية الطبقية;; كما تم استخدام أسلوب تحليل المضمون لغايات دراسة وتحليل مجموعة التشريعات المطبقة في الوزارة .

This paper sheds light on women's reality and status internationally and in Arab societies in particular. In order to dismantle;; comprehend and explore this concept this paper tracks the history of women's reality;; the whereabouts of its inception as well as the range of its influence;; highlighting its significance and content. Additionally the paper explores its boundaries and the scientific and methodological issues that may arise from tackling the gender issue.

بحوث و تقارير

This report is the second annual report of Tamkeen Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights. It addresses the status of both migrant domestic workers and migrant workers in Qualified Industrial Zones because these two categories are subject to recurrent abuses and are the most vulnerable group due to legislative reasons;; administrative practices and the actions of their employers.

يبرز تقرير حالة سكان العالم 2013;; الصادر عن صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان;; التحديات الرئيسية المتعلقة بحمل المراهقات وآثاره الخطيرة على تعليم الفتاة;; وصحتها;; وفرصها في العمل في الأجل الطويل. ويبين التقرير أيضا ما يمكن القيام به من أجل الحد من هذا الاتجاه وحماية حقوق الإنسان الخاصة بالفتيات ورفاهتهن.

The migrant worker in Jordan situation report was issued in 2009. It presents an overview of the situation of migrant workers in Jordan and the main violations they are subject to. Additionally;; the report offers recommendations to national and international parties concerned with the migrant workers' rights.

This report analyzes the nature of child labor in Jordan. Child labor is defined as “the active participation of any child less than 16 years of age in any economic activity;; regardless of the type of work;; the employer;; the nature of the job;; or the activity.” This report examines the magnitude of child labor in Jordan based on the existing information and the collection of additional field data (both qualitative and quantitative) on the causes;; conditions;; and consequences of child labor. This report also aims to identify sub-populations of children most at risk to child labor;; investigate inadequacies in Jordanian laws and legislation with regards to child labor;; and examine vocational training programs and existing non-formal education programs for school drop-outs in relation to child labor. With regards to methodology;; information on child labor in Jordan was obtained through both primary and secondary sources;; including previous studies;; interviews;; and a field survey. After careful analysis;; this report makes a number of recommendations which aim to combat illegal of harmful child labor in Jordan.

يأتي هذا التقرير متزامناً مع الأول من أيار يوم العمال العالمي. ويتناول هذا التقرير أبرز الاختلافات التي يعاني منها سوق العمل الأردني;; وابرز الانتهاكات التي تتعرض لها قطاعات واسعة من العاملين في الاردن;; إلى جانب التحديات التي يواجهها الاقتصاد الاردني .

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