تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


The report is based on a field assessment of 16 desert campsites in the city of Aqaba – Wadi Rum and Dieseh districts to evaluate these camps’ energy needs and their current energy situation. As part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; a public education and behavior change communication program developed to support USAID’s technical and policy investments in the Jordanian water and energy sectors;; the report assesses the current government policies and behaviors related to the issues of water;; solid waste and energy at campsites in Wadi Rum and Dieseh. The fieldwork of the report was designed to assess current campsites’ situation and energy profile;; evaluate how to reduce their energy needs;; and assess the possibility of installing renewable energy for electricity. The report concludes with several recommendations such as the enhancement of energy efficiency;; re-design of the electrical lighting systems;; re-wire of the electrical circuits;; and enforcement of laws and regulations.

The report is based on the study designed to conduct a communications assessment of Aqaba Water Company;; one of the key water utilities in Jordan and to examine how its communications department collaborates with other areas of the organization. As part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; a public education and behavior change communication program developed to support USAID’s technical and policy investments in the Jordanian water and energy sectors;; the report finds that the effective communications can save the utility money by improving operations;; increasing efficiencies and reducing customer complaints. The report suggests that the strategic communications can be the key to a sustainable future for the kingdom during the times of critical resource constraints and presents some guiding principles and recommendations for the Aqaba Water Company’s communication efforts.

The UNICEF Syria Crisis is a series of bi-weekly report that provides a summary of the humanitarian situation in Syria and development of the organization’s projects in the regions including Syria;; Lebanon;; Jordan;; Iraq;; Turkey and Egypt. The report contains an overview to the changing situations and humanitarian needs of the crisis. It focuses on the results and progress of the UNICEF projects in partnership with other local agencies in each country. These projects aim to ensure sustained access to safe water and sanitation;; provide psychosocial support;; vaccination and school supplies for children and support camps and host community schools for increased school enrollment. Relevant figures that summarize and evaluate the development of ongoing programmes can also be found in the report.

بحوث و تقارير

The report presents the findings;; conclusions and recommendations of a midterm evaluation of Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) II;; a five year (2009-2014);; $73 million USAID-funded project. The strategy of the HSS II is to institutionalize strengthened health systems in support of reduced fertility rates and improved women's health. It works with the public health sector;; namely the Ministry of Health;; the Royal Medical Service and the Jordan University Hospital. The report finds that the project has met 13 of its 23 targets for year 3 and is on track to meet all its objectives by the end of the project. Expected results are public sector initiatives in safe motherhood and reproductive health. The HSS II project;; with its close ties with the Ministry of Health for its responsiveness to health needs and integrated approach to health delivery;; has strengthened critical health systems through its support to health management information system;; renovations;; accreditation;; referrals and capacity-building. The report recommends the USAID to negotiate the removal of a requirement that midwives be supervised intrauterine device insertion;; advocate for innovative incentive schemes and varying salary grades that reward midwives and doctors providing FP services and revise project indicators to reflect health outcomes and impact. Further recommendations include continuing support of a broad-scale mass media behavior change and communication campaign and programs that build on gains in maternal and neonatal health.

بعد الفرار من العنف والاضطهاد في العراق;; فإن مئات الآلاف من العراقيين الذين يعيشون في الأردن يواجهون تهديداً يومياً للإعتقال والغرامات والترحيل وذلك لأن الحكومة الأردنية تعاملهم معاملة المهاجرين غير الشرعيين بدلاً من معاملتهم كلاجئين. منذ بدء الحرب في العراق في عام 2003;; نزح أكثر من مليون عراقي من بلدهم طلباً للجوء من البلدان المجاورة;; إلا أنه لا يوجد أي من الدول المجاورة للعراق;; ولا الولايات المتحدة;; يعاملونهم كلاجئين. وهذا التقرير يلقي الضوء على محنة اللاجئين العراقيين (والتماس الحلول له) وهي مسؤوليةً مشتركة بين الأردن والدول المجاورة والمجتمع الدولي.

يبرز تقرير حالة سكان العالم 2013;; الصادر عن صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان;; التحديات الرئيسية المتعلقة بحمل المراهقات وآثاره الخطيرة على تعليم الفتاة;; وصحتها;; وفرصها في العمل في الأجل الطويل. ويبين التقرير أيضا ما يمكن القيام به من أجل الحد من هذا الاتجاه وحماية حقوق الإنسان الخاصة بالفتيات ورفاهتهن.

لقد تم إعداد هذا التقرير الخامس حول أوضاع مراكز الإصلاح والتأهيل من اجل تقييم هذه المراكز والنزلاء واماكن التوقيف والموقوفين;; وكما يكشف التقرير عن مواطن الضعف والخلل التي تعاني منها هذه المرافق. وتم الاستناد على منهجية الزيارات الميدانية الفجائية إلى تلك الاماكن;; والالتقاء بالنزلاء والموقوفين;; وكما استند التقرير أيضاً على الالتقاء بنزلاء وموقوفين سابقين وأسر بعض النزلاء الحاليين ونشطاء من المجتمع المدني.

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