تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


The report assesses the practical challenges of education and schooling for the Syrian children in refugee camps in Jordan;; Lebanon and Egypt as the Syrian Crisis prolongs. It argues that ensuring the continued access to learning is an essential platform for protection;; social stabilization and economic recovery that the international community should not ignore. The report also includes important figures and statistics revealing the alarming situation of education and school. Some of the key statistics are the host-country school-age children compared to Syrian school-age children;; Syrian children enrolled in public schools in Lebanon and Jordan and school-age Syrian refugee children in and out of school by countries such as Iraq;; Egypt;; Turkey;; Jordan and Lebanon. The report concludes with four key recommendations to be undertaken by regional governments and their international partners so that the fundamental right to quality education can be guaranteed to the Syrian children.

This research study aims to investigate child labor in Irbid to provide a deep understanding of and knowledge about the socio-economic and cultural context of working children in Irbid. It also aims to propose intervention programs that maximize the effectiveness of the Family and Childhood Protection Society (FCPS);; an NGO in Irbid that works on issues related to children. Various study results have shown that children often work in dangerous and hazardous conditions where they are exposed to physical and psychological abuse;; in addition to exploitation in terms of minimal pay and long working hours. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used to conduct the research presented in this report. In-depth interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data from all organizations working on child-related issues and from working children and their family members.

This report provides an assessment of the Millennium Development Goals;; laid out by the UN Millennium Declaration. The UN Millennium Declaration was adopted in September of 2000 as a commitment on the part of the world's leading nations to reduce poverty;; improve health and promote peace;; human rights;; and environmental sustainability. The Millennium Development Goals are specific;; measurable targets that aim to reduce extreme global poverty by the year 2015. This report analyzes the challenges and barriers to meeting these goals as of 2003;; examining the successes and failures of various nations and the gaps that exist between regions and countries with regards to economic growth and human development. This report then examines the successes and failures of public and private policies with regards to hunger;; health;; water and sanitation;; education;; and environmental sustainability. This report also analyzes the participation of civil society throughout the world and the mobilization of grassroots support for the various human development goals. Finally;; this report presents a number of recommendations on what countries can do to best support these goals.

دراسة بحثية وطنية تهدف غلى المستهمة في جمع بيانات دقيقة عن وضع الفتاة الطفلة وتهدف إلى تحليل الطريقة التي تؤثر فيها الثقافة المجتمعية التي يمارسها المجتمع على صياغة القانون. واستناداً إلى المواضيع التيي والثغرات التي أبرزها أصحاب العلاقة بناءاً على تحليل النتائج ومن خلال إتباع نهج يستند على حقوق الإنسان;; فقد تم تصنيف الدراسة إلى الموضوعات التالية: حقوق المساواة وعدم التمييز;; حقوق الأسرة;; وتعليم الفتاة والطفلة;; والعنف القائم على الجنس ضد الفتاة الطفلة;; وعمالة الفتاة الطفلة;; والصحة والزواج المبكر;; والعادات والتقاليد. والغرض من تحليل النتائج والتوصيات هو في انها ستسهم بفعالية في جهود كسب الدعم باسم الفتاة الطفلة في الأردن. واعتمد البحث على كل من منجية البحث النوعي والكمي;; حيث تم العمل على مراجعة التشريعات الأردنية والأطر الدولية ذات الصلة بحقوق الفتيات والأطفال;; إضافة إلى اجراء مقابلات مع خبراء قانونيين واجتماعيين وشخصيات عامة والمجتمع المحلي في الأردن حول القضايا ذا تالصلة بحقوق الفتيات والأطفال. وقد تم اعداد استبيان من اجل جمع المعلومات المطلوبة وتم تعبئته في كل من عمان والزرقاء وإربد والمفرق والعقبة والكرك. وكما قام فريق البحث بعقد سبع ورشات عمل للفنون على مستوى المملكة في 7 محافظات;; وعقد 4 جلسات مائدة مستديرة في 3 محافظات.

This report aims to review the status of children in Greater Amman and to conduct a capacity assessment of key institutions addressing children’s issues. Various issues are examined;; covering areas such as health;; education;; and socio-economic characteristics. This report also reviews the status of disadvantaged children;; including working children;; orphans;; refugees;; and children with disabilities;; in order to identify vulnerabilities and risk factors specific to them. Finally;; this report assesses the capacity of selected institutions addressing children’s issues in Greater Amman and proposes phased capacity building programs based on the findings of the assessment.

Migration;; both within and beyond borders;; has become an increasingly prominent theme in domestic and international debates;; and is the topic of the 2009 Human Development Report (HDR09). The starting point is that the global distribution of capabilities is extraordinarily unequal;; and that this is a major driver for movement of people. Migration can expand their choices —in terms of incomes;; accessing services and participation;; for example— but the opportunities open to people vary from those who are best endowed to those with limited skills and assets. These underlying inequalities;; which can be compounded by policy distortions;; is a theme of the report. The report investigates migration in the context of demographic changes and trends in both growth and inequality. It also presents more detailed and nuanced individual;; family and village experiences;; and explores less visible movements typically pursued by disadvantaged groups such as short term and seasonal migration.

Throughout history water has confronted humanity with some of its greatest challenges. Water is a source of life and a natural resource that sustains our environments and supports livelihoods – but it is also a source of risk and vulnerability. In the early 21st Century;; prospects for human development are threatened by a deepening global water crisis. Debunking the myth that the crisis is the result of scarcity;; this report argues poverty;; power and inequality are at the heart of the problem.The 2006 Human Development Report continues to frame debates on some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity.

This report analyzes the nature of child labor in Jordan. Child labor is defined as “the active participation of any child less than 16 years of age in any economic activity;; regardless of the type of work;; the employer;; the nature of the job;; or the activity.” This report examines the magnitude of child labor in Jordan based on the existing information and the collection of additional field data (both qualitative and quantitative) on the causes;; conditions;; and consequences of child labor. This report also aims to identify sub-populations of children most at risk to child labor;; investigate inadequacies in Jordanian laws and legislation with regards to child labor;; and examine vocational training programs and existing non-formal education programs for school drop-outs in relation to child labor. With regards to methodology;; information on child labor in Jordan was obtained through both primary and secondary sources;; including previous studies;; interviews;; and a field survey. After careful analysis;; this report makes a number of recommendations which aim to combat illegal of harmful child labor in Jordan.

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