تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


This report is the second annual report of Tamkeen Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights. It addresses the status of both migrant domestic workers and migrant workers in Qualified Industrial Zones because these two categories are subject to recurrent abuses and are the most vulnerable group due to legislative reasons;; administrative practices and the actions of their employers.

This 66-page report documents the arbitrary arrest and abusive treatment of detainees held at the General Intelligence Department's (GID) central detention facility in Amman. The report finds that there is no clear basis in Jordanian law for the GID's law enforcement role;; and that detainees cannot seek an independent judicial review of the grounds for arrest and continued detention.

يعرض التقرير تفصيلاً الأسلوب التعسفي بلا أي سند واضح من القانون;; الذي تستخدمه السلطات الأردنية لحرمان مواطنيها من أصول تعود للضفة الغربية من جنسيتهم;; مما يحرمهم من حقوق المواطنة الأساسية وكذلك من التعليم والرعاية الصحية.

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