بحث موجز السياسة هذا في تأثير التهميش السياسي والاجتماعي والاقتصادي في شباب الأردن. ويسلّط الضوء على التوتّرات المتصاعدة بين الحكومة ومواطنيها الشباب الذين يتزايد اضطرابهم جرّاء هذا التهميش. وتتمثّل
مع اقتراب الموعد النهائي لتحقيق الأهداف الانمائية للألفية، يخوض واضعوا السياسات والأكاديميون وغيرهم من الخبراء والمتخصصين في نقاش دولي حول الخطوات اللازمة لوضع خطة الأمم المتحدة للتنمية لما بعد 215
تناقش هذه المقالة المساعدات الاقتصادية الأمريكية للأردن منذ عام 1952 ومخرجاتها التنموية، حيث شملت المئات من المشاريع المشتركة بين الأردن والولايات المتحدة لبناء البنية التحتية في الأردن، وتطوير
نظمت اللجنة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لغربي آسيا (الإسكو) اجتماعاً تشاورياً مع بلدانها الأعضاء بشأن إنشاء لجنة حكومية معنية بالقضايا الناشئة والتنمية في ظل الأزمات، مهمتها تحديد أولويات الإسكو ورصد
يتحدث القاضي في محكمة التمييز الأردنية د. محمد الطراونة عن الاتجاه المتنامي لدى القضاة الأردنيين لتطبيق أحكام الاتفاقيات الدولية المتعلقة بحقوق الإنسان والاستعانة بها في إصدار الأحكام, إذ لم يعد مفهوم
This report provides an assessment of the Millennium Development Goals;; laid out by the UN Millennium Declaration. The UN Millennium Declaration was adopted in September of 2000 as a commitment on the part of the world's leading nations to reduce poverty;; improve health and promote peace;; human rights;; and environmental sustainability. The Millennium Development Goals are specific;; measurable targets that aim to reduce extreme global poverty by the year 2015. This report analyzes the challenges and barriers to meeting these goals as of 2003;; examining the successes and failures of various nations and the gaps that exist between regions and countries with regards to economic growth and human development. This report then examines the successes and failures of public and private policies with regards to hunger;; health;; water and sanitation;; education;; and environmental sustainability. This report also analyzes the participation of civil society throughout the world and the mobilization of grassroots support for the various human development goals. Finally;; this report presents a number of recommendations on what countries can do to best support these goals.
Defining the goal as improved prosperity;; accountability and equality for a stable;; democratic Jordan;; the strategy report highlights a long-standing partnership between Jordan and the United States. Amidst a number of challenges;; Jordan continues to play a strategic ally in the region and therefore;; the report stresses the importance of assisting Jordan in carrying out its stated commitment to broad-based political and economic reforms. The three development objectives are 1. Broad-based;; inclusive economic development accelerated;; 2. Democratic accountability strengthened;; and 3. Essential services to the public improved;; with a special development objective of gender equality and female empowerment enhanced. According to the report;; the key theme of the strategy is complementing support for Jordanian-led structural reform with grassroots activities of more visible and more directly “felt” people-level impact. The development objectives find specific areas of focus that need the USAID investments and support.
The report is based on the findings of the survey that was designed to review NGO/CBO experience in communication/outreach and assess the capability of individual staff in the relevant NGOS and CBOs. The primary goal of the project is to institutionalize social marketing practices in NGOs and CBOs;; because organizations in the forefront of development depend on their ability to reach target groups and remove barriers to change. The research was conducted as part of the Public Action in Water;; Energy;; and Environmental Project to initiate and establish clear and identifiable behavioral changes amongst the Jordanian public and decision-makers;; to lead to increased efficiency in the use of water and energy;; and to improve solid waste handling practices. The main findings of the research identify sources of funds and grants of the NGOs;; their major activities and partnerships. The report also suggests training for successful fundraising;; social marketing and media campaigns for the NGOs and continued surveys and interviews of the NGOs.