
Bedaya ("The Beginning" in Arabic) is a data-driven digital campaign that empowers youth deprived of family ties with practical information whilst also raising awareness about their experiences.
The platform has two components:
The Journey: with the aim of raising awareness about the experiences of Jordanian youth deprived of family ties, the journey tells the story of Salma – a Jordanian girl who grew up in a care center in Amman. Salma speaks about the hurtful names people have called her and the price she had to pay for being ‘born out of wedlock’ and living in a care center.
The Kit: the kit offers care leavers with practical information to help guide them through their every-day life. It addresses issues relating to housing, money, health, education, work and life skills. It also connects care leavers with the members of the Social Support Network for Care Leavers.