This report analyzes the different economic working conditions and the marginalized employment sectors. It aims at reviewing and analyzing the legislation and policies that regulate People with
This policy paper aims to analyze the organizational and legislative conditions of the cooperative associations and their impact on gender. The study recommended that "the organizational and
This report provides a synthesis of the data collected and analysed through the research,focusing on the factors that accelerate or delay transitions of young refugees into adulthood. In order to make
Women’s participation in the economy,as integral part of their empowerment,is a major challenge facing the MENA-region,since women’s labour market participation (LMP) is among the lowest throughout
The Amnesty International Report 214/215 documents the state of the world’s human rights during 214. Some key events from 213 are also reported. This report includes a foreword,five regional overviews
وجه هذا التقرير إلى لجنة سيداو من أجل توفير أحد المعلومات وأكثرها دقة,بالإضافة إلى دراسة وتحليل السياسات الإيجابية والتشريعات المتخذة في سبيل تقدم ونهوض المرأة وإيجاد مواطن الضعف التي تعمل على تأخير
This report aims to review the status of children in Greater Amman and to conduct a capacity assessment of key institutions addressing children’s issues. Various issues are examined,covering areas
The content of this report relating to Jordan is largely based on a research visit to the country in June 213. The Amnesty International delegation met with representatives of the Jordanian