Women’s labour market participation in Egypt,Jordan,Morocco,Syria & Tunisia: A three-level analysis

Women’s participation in the economy,as integral part of their empowerment,is a major challenge facing the MENA-region,since women’s labour market participation (LMP) is among the lowest throughout the world in these countries. Nonetheless,on a broad comparative scale,the determinants of women’s LMP in this region are understudied,especially the interplay between them. This report used representative data covering over 5, women and over 65 districts within five MENA-countries (Egypt,Jordan,Morocco,Syria and Tunisia). On these data the report apply multilevel logistic regression analysis with women’s formal LMP as dependent variable and individual level haracteristics (e.g. age,education),household information (e.g. husband’s education and occupation,number and age of children),district characteristics (e.g.,level of development,labour market structure,culture) and account for differences at the national level. By doing this we show the importance of ncompassing views; in understanding women’s LMP different levels,domains and conditions are important. And interactions between these levels and factors give more insight in the complex matter.