تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
الصفحة الرئيسية


لاستكشاف اتجاهات المرأة تجاه عنف الشريك ومحدداتها، وكذلك لتوثيق مدى انتشار أنواع مختلفة من العنف بين النساء الملتحقات بمراكز الصحة العامة في منطقة البلقاء، الأردن. أجريت دراسة مستعرضة بين النساء

الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو دراسة العوامل المرتبطة بقبول ضرب الزوجة بين الرجال والنساء المتزوجين حالياً الذين يعيشون في مخيمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في الأردن. تستخدم الدراسة بيانات من مسح مقطعي شمل 3,1oo

بحوث و تقارير

تستكشف هذه الدراسة مواقف اللاجئين السوريين والأردنيين في أربع محافظات أردنية رئيسية: عمان ، إربد ، الزرقاء ، والمفرق. وأشارت الدراسات الأولية إلى أن المناطق المعنية قد تعرضت لضغوط نتيجة للعدد الأكبر

مشاركة المرأة في الاقتصاد، كجزء لا يتجزأ من تمكين المرأة، هو التحدي الرئيسي الذي يواجه منطقة الشرق الأوسط، منذ مشاركة المرأة في سوق العمل هي من بين أدنى المعدلات في جميع أنحاء العالم في هذه البلدان

بحوث و تقارير

تم إعداد هذه الورقة بتكليف من التقرير العالمي لرصد التعليم للجميع كمعلومات أساسية للمساعدة في صياغة تقرير عام 21. باستخدام مفهوم الاطار النظري للإقصاء الاجتماعي، فإن هذه الورقة تحدد الاسباب المختلفة

بحوث و تقارير

This report aims to review the status of children in Greater Amman and to conduct a capacity assessment of key institutions addressing children’s issues. Various issues are examined;; covering areas such as health;; education;; and socio-economic characteristics. This report also reviews the status of disadvantaged children;; including working children;; orphans;; refugees;; and children with disabilities;; in order to identify vulnerabilities and risk factors specific to them. Finally;; this report assesses the capacity of selected institutions addressing children’s issues in Greater Amman and proposes phased capacity building programs based on the findings of the assessment.

The report aims to understand the outlook of Jordanians;; the key determinants of behavioral change in search for “drivers” that can be used in programs promoting conservation of water or energy and reduction of solid waste. This research was conducted as part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; which aims to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods. It is based on the qualitative research that focuses on identifying people’s motivations;; needs and desires to help formulating social marketing programs and developing adaptive capacity in individuals and groups. Some of the key questions of the qualitative research include “What are the current coping behaviors and attitudes (psychological;; social;; etc …) of the Jordanian public (disaggregated by gender;; age;; geography and income) in the face of limited water availability and high prices for energy?;; What anticipated consequences may the Government face if stricter scenarios were imposed on water and energy? The report recommends the Ministry of Education to cooperate and introduce regular classes that focus on showing youth the direct impact of water;; energy and environment on their lives and raise awareness and consciousness of children regarding their role in the environment and influence it in a positive way.

The report explores the level of knowledge;; attitudes held and practices observed by young people towards environmental issues related to water and energy conservation and sold waste management. It maps out available resources;; programs and learning opportunities in the informal and non-formal education sectors;; through which positive environmental attitudes can be encouraged and promoted. The survey of the report assess the knowledge;; attitudes and practices of young people aged 7 -24;; educations;; staff and youth workers to identify strengths and areas for improvement through capacity building and explore existing resources;; programs to evaluate their effectiveness. This research was conducted as part of the Public Action for Water;; Energy and Environment Project (PAP);; which aims to encourage water and energy conservation and to support behavior change towards more conservation and efficient practices both at the household level and in the commercial;; industrial and civil society arenas using social marketing behavioral methods. The study concludes that there is a need for more “green” programs that involve youth in a proactive way and therefore;; it recommends that programs targeting youth need to remain positive;; dynamic and in context. The recommendations of the report include development of environmental resources in the Arabic language;; the youth-led;; peer-led programs that involve participatory learning opportunities;; and social media tools to raise interests;; awareness and creation of environmental education task force.

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حجم الخط


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