This study systematically and comprehensively engages with the existing data and a wide range of respondents to understand why child marriages happen and what can be done to limit marriages under the
This report serves as one component of Save the Children's Manara Project,which aims to contribute to the effective,MENA-wide development and implemenation of policies,stragegies,and legislation in
The UNICEF Annual Report 213 outlines UNICEF’s efforts to reach the children around the world who have gone unreached. It also outlines UNICEF’s efforts to drive change for the most vulnerable
This paper argues that Jordan has adopted a semi-protectionist policy towards Iraqi forced migrants,i.e. letting them in but depriving them of a status,therefore encouraging them to move forward. For
This 6-page report details the arbitrary manner,with no clear basis in law,in which Jordan deprives its citizens who were originally from the West Bank of their nationality,thereby denying them basic