The 219 CSO Sustainability Index for the Middle East and North Africa reports on advances and setbacks in seven key dimensions affecting the sustainability of the CSO sectors in eight countries: Egypt
This report addresses the results of the impact asssessmnet of “Empowering the Women of Tafilah through Gender Advocacy and Civic Engagement” project. which aims to enhance civic engagement by
The CSO Sustainability Index for the Middle East and North Africa evaluates the strength and viability of the CSO sectors in Egypt,Iraq,Jordan,Lebanon,Libya,Morocco,and Yemen. This edition of the
This infographic sumarizes the main findings of the assessment of CSOs sustainability in Jordan in 2018.
This is the seventh edition of the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Sustainability Index for Jordan,which covers developments in 218. This edition of the Index reports on the strength and overall
The current Jordanian government,which was formed in June 218,has prioritized transparency and public participation in response to the Letter of Designation of King Abdullah II to the government
This is the sixth edition of the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Sustainability Index for Jordan,which covers developments in 217. This edition of the Index reports on the strength and overall
This is the sixth edition of the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Sustainability Index for the Middle East and North Africa,which covers developments in 217. This edition of the Index reports on the