Jordan’s economy has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,which started over a year ago. Women have been disproportionately affected by the economic consequences of COVID-19,during which
This report is the third and last publication for the project “Women’s Access to Economic Participation.” It explores the scale and effects that debt has in people’s everyday experiences,in particular
This report is based on interviews with male and female Jordanians who defaulted on their debts due to circumstances outside their control. The report demonstrates the reasons behind this problem; the
This article talks about the types of economic violence against women, and how some people use the religion to justfiy such violence.
This report summarizes the status of woman in Jordan through statistical tables disaggregated by sex,monitoring briefly the main achievements and pointing out the gaps to be addressed.
يهدف هذا المسح والذي نفذ لأول مرة في الأردن إلى التعرف على أوضاع قطاع العمل غير المنظم في مناطق أمانة عمان الكبرى,والتعرف على المشاركة الاقتصادية للمراة من خلال الوقوف على أهم الأسباب التي تدفعها
The purpose of this desk review is to uncover the food security and nutrition information available on the three target countries,to advise WFP on the absence of any relevant information that would